Page 28 - ie2 August 2019
P. 28


          GHG emissions, congestion, and pollu-  nology could reduce negative externali-  effective transportation with high ve-
          tion.                             ties like GHG emissions, pollution, and   hicle usage and occupancy rates. Mass
           Taking reparability, remanufacturing,   dependence on imported fossil fuels. As   transit as the backbone combined with
          and recycling into account in vehicle   car ownership is currently low, adoption   other forms of transport – including ve-
          design and creating the appropriate re-  could be rapid as ownership expands.  hicle as a service – for convenient last-
          verse cycle infrastructure can reduce the   A multimodal, door-to-door, on-de-  mile connectivity can create convenient
          need for virgin, non-renewable resourc-  mand mobility system, embracing vehi-  door-to-door journeys. Technological
          es and energy. Building vehicles that   cle-sharing trends and leveraging digital   innovation can help plan these journeys
          rely on zero-emission propulsion tech-  innovation, could provide efficient and   and make travelling safer and faster.


         The Government of India has done sub-  maintenance                    facturing especially with its MSMEs
         stantial work towards policy interven-  14. Revision of existing environmental   21. Government of India has embarked
         tions and formulation such as      standards and formulation of new stand-  upon an initiative of creating 100 smart
         1. Notification of National Ambient Air   ards for prevention and control of pollu-  cities across the country and waste man-
         Quality Standards                  tion from industries               agement and resource conservation are
         2. Formulation of environmental regu-  15. Regular coordination meetings at   significant part of this important initi-
         lations/statutes                   official and ministerial level with Delhi   ative
         3. Setting up of monitoring network for   and other State Governments within the   22. Government of India is in process of
         assessment of ambient air quality  NCR                                finalising national goals under UN’s sus-
         4. Introduction of cleaner/alternate fuels   16. Issuance of directions under Section   tainable development goals
         like gaseous fuel (CNG, LPG, etc), etha-  5 of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986   23. Government of India has promoted
         nol blend etc                      and under Section 18(1)(b) of  Water   the concept of Zero Effect Zero Defect
         5. Promotion of cleaner production pro-  (Prevention and Control of Pollution)   Effect in order to achieve Green econom-
         cesses                             Act, 1974 and Air (Prevention and Con-  ic growth
         6. Launching of National Air Quality in-  trol of Pollution) Act, 1981  24. Government of India has emphasised
         dex by the Prime Minister in April 2015  17. Installation of online continuous   focused on Development of MSMEs and
         7. Implementation of Bharat Stage IV   (24x7) monitoring devices by major in-  making them competitive and sustain-
         (BS-IV) norms in 63 selected cities and   dustries                    able in order to achieve increased eco-
         universalisation of BS-IV by 2017  18. Preparation of action plan for sew-  nomic growth in manufacturing sector.
         8. Decision taken to leapfrog directly   age management and restoration of wa-
         from BS-IV to BS-VI fuel standards by   ter quality in aquatic resources by State   The following actions are required to lead
         1 April 2020                       Governments                        the way to the transition to circular econ-
         9. Taxing polluting vehicles and incenti-  19.  Implementation  of  National  River   omy:
         vising hybrid and electric vehicles  Conservation Plan for abatement of pol-  1. Set direction and show commitment.
         10. Comprehensive amendments to var-  lution in identified stretches of various   2. Create enabling regulatory frameworks
         ious Waste Management Rules including   rivers and undertaking conservation ac-  and remove policy barriers.
         Municipal  Solid  Waste,  Plastic  Waste,   tivities which inter-alia include intercep-  3. Represent the interests of groups like
         Hazardous Waste,  Bio-medical Waste   tion and diversion  of  raw  sewage,  con-  the informal sector, or facilitate collab-
         and Electronic Waste notified      struction of sewerage systems, setting up   orative initiatives among businesses, the
         11.  Notification  of  Construction  of sewage treatment plants, low-cost san-  public sector, and other stakeholders
         and Demolition  Waste Management   itation facilities, education and aware-  4. Support circular models through pub-
         Rules;12. Ban on burning of leaves, bio-  ness creation, community participation,   lic procurement and infrastructure.
         mass, municipal solid waste        electric/improved wood crematoria, and   5. Embed circular economy principles
         13. Promotion of public transport net-  riverfront development        into education.
         work of metro, buses, e-rickshaws and   20. India’s National Manufacturing Pol-  6. Conduct research and pilot projects
         promotion of car pooling, Pollution   icy focuses on promotion and adoption   to create a knowledge base and establish
         Under Control, lane discipline, vehicle   of Green technologies and Green manu-  proof points.

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