Page 40 - ie2 August 2019
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          Table6: Engineering exports country-wise, 2018-19 ($ million)

          Country        June 2018     June2019      Growth (%)     Apr-Jun 2018-19  Apr-Jun 2019-20  Growth (%)
          USA            913.0         990.5         8.5            2775.8        2921.1        5.2
          UAE            292.4         333.8         14.2           1678.2        1695.7        1.0

          Singapore      226.4         281.5         24.3           709.4         1065.3        50.2
          Germany        282.1         274.8         -2.6           839.5         789.8         -5.9
          Nepal          238.1         235.5         -1.1           756.5         684.8         -9.5
          UK             282.8         200.6         -29.1          704.0         631.6         -10.3

          Bangladesh     213.4         188.7         -11.6          650.8         631.4         -3.0
          Mexico         266.0         219.1         -17.6          762.8         620.0         -18.7
          Malaysia       104.6         152.7         46.0           262.9         616.1         134.3
          Korea          161.5         165.2         2.2            527.1         503.3         -4.5

          Italy          194.4         154.1         -20.8          598.6         490.5         -18.1
          China          145.0         139.1         -4.1           446.8         456.3         2.1
          Thailand       140.0         125.8         -10.1          349.2         407.1         16.6

          Indonesia      163.7         139.4         -14.8          441.1         405.4         -8.1
          South Africa   119.6         138.6         15.9           576.8         385.3         -33.2
          Nigeria        116.5         130.0         11.6           312.6         367.2         17.4
          Cyprus         0.5           0.7           25.2           2.6           352.3         13432.6
          France         122.0         102.2         -16.3          343.9         334.4         -2.7

          Saudi Arabia   92.5          93.5          1.1            364.0         294.6         -19.1
          Vietnam        75.0          85.0          13.2           198.8         289.1         45.4
          Japan          120.8         93.3          -22.7          332.7         263.0         -20.9

          Belgium        115.5         80.5          -30.3          501.8         258.2         -48.5
          Brazil         87.5          88.4          1.0            250.1         255.4         2.1
          Sri Lanka      147.4         97.8          -33.7          320.5         252.8         -21.1
          Turkey         181.6         76.3          -58.0          557.2         241.3         -56.7

          Top 25 countries   4802.3    4587.0        -4.5           15263.7       15211.9       -0.3
          Grand total    6512.3        6362.0        -2.3           20460.9       20082.0       -1.9
          Share % total   73.7         72.1                         74.6          75.7
          engineering exports

         Note: Highlighted figures indicate negative growth
         Source: Department of Commerce, Govt of India

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