Page 41 - ie2 August 2019
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the top 25 nations that had the highest   Figure3: Share % of India’s top exporting destinations in April-June 2019
          demand for Indian engineering products
          during June 2019 over June 2018 in abso-                  Korea 3.3%
          lute value. The data are given in Table6.
           The country-wise engineering export   Malaysia 4.1%
          figures for June 2019 show the following
          facts:                                                                                USA, 19.2%
          •  In most of the 25 countries, we wit-
          ness uneven growth patterns over last   Mexico 4.1%
          month’s performance.
          •  The termination of US GSP on 5 June   Bangladesh
          2019 does not seem to have an over-
          ly negative impact on Indian exports,
          at least in June 2019. This could be be-  U K 4.2%
          cause exports had already been contract-
          ed out and the margins lost may have                                                  UAE, 11.1%
          been shared by both the exporters and   Nepal 4.5%
          importers. We will need to monitor the
          trend in the next few months. The US      Germany 5.2%
          retained its numero uno position, being
          the top exporting destination for India’s
          engineering products during June 2019                                      Singapore 7.0%
          over June 2018 as well as for April-June
          2019 over April-June 2018, registering a   Source: EEPC India analysis
          positive growth rate.
          •  Among the  ASEAN countries under
          the top 25 engineering exports destina-  of  India’s  total  engineering  exports  in   •  India’s exports to ASEAN+2 recorded
          tions, Malaysia once again recorded the   April-June 2019, which is marginally   highest positive growth during  April-
          highest growth during  April-June 2019   higher than its share in April-June 2018.  June 2019 over April-June 2018.
          over April-June 2018. Like the previous   •  India’s engineering exports to its top   •  India’s exports to North America and
          period, barring Indonesia, all the other   25 destinations during April-June 2019   ASEAN+2 ranked second and third in
          four countries – Singapore, Malaysia,   over April-June 2018 recorded negative   global shipments of Indian engineering
          Thailand, and Vietnam – recorded pos-  growth in line with the negative growth   goods in  April-June 2019 with a share
          itive cumulative growth during  April-  in  India’s  total  global  engineering  ex-  of 18.6 percent and 16.2 percent of total
          June 2019 over April-June 2018.   ports during the same period.      engineering exports respectively.
          •  India’s engineering exports to Cyprus   Figure3  shows  the  share  percentage   •  Like before, barring  ASEAN+2 and
          recorded the highest positive cumulative   of India’s top 25 exporting destinations   CIS, all the other major regions recorded
          growth once again during  April-June   comprising an export share of 67 per-  negative cumulative growth in exports
          2019 over April-June 2018.        cent of India’s global engineering ex-  of engineering products from India
          •  All the European nations falling under   ports during April-June 2019.  during April-June 2019 over April-June
          the top 25 engineering exports destina-  We now look at the regional distribu-  2018.
          tions recorded negative growth during   tion of engineering exports for  April-
          April-June 2019 over April-June 2018.  June 2019 as opposed to  April-June   Engineering panels – country-
          •  India’s engineering exports to China   2018. Table7 gives this picture.  wise analysis
          continued to recorded positive cumu-                                 We now analyse the performance of
          lative growth during  April-June 2019   •  EU ranked as the region with highest   some of the important products during
          over April-June 2018, after a prolonged   shipment of engineering products from   June 2019. We have taken the major pan-
          hiatus.                           India during April-June 2019 over April-  els and computed the top importers and
          •  India’s engineering exports to its top   June 2018 with a share of 19.2 percent of   sharp declines to get an idea of the cur-
          25 nations accounted for 75.7 percent   total engineering exports.   rent trade pattern. (Tables 7-16)

                                                                                AUGUST 2019  l  INDIAN ENGINEERING EXPORTS  l  41
   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46