Page 102 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 102

Miniature Pinscher


           Miniature pinscher rescue was started about         In 1978 I became a Dobermann owner, and in
           thirty years ago, when I found a little red min     the fullness of time I started to help with some of
           pin bitch in desperate need of a new home.          their rescue dogs and so when min pin rescue
           With the encouragement of Di Stark and after        was started, I tried to continue along their lines
           discussions with the Miniature Pinscher Club        and so far it seems to have worked really well.
           (who have always given me the greatest
           support), I decided to start a rescue for min pins   The object of rescue has always been to help
           only, and since that time I think I have had more   any min pin who is in trouble and in some cases
           dogs than I care to remember.                       actually save their lives, as, at times, an owner
                                                               will have a problem and the only answer they
                                                               can see is to put the dog to sleep. To us, that is
                                                               a failure and certainly no answer to the problem.
                                                               We are very proud of the fact that in all these
                                                               years we have only had to resort once to that
                                                               drastic action.

                                                               Under rescues rules I cannot take a dog who
                                                               has bitten and drawn blood, because to  re-
                                                               home, knowing that this has taken place, leaves
                                                               us open to litigation, and my heart breaks every
                                                               time this happens and I have to refuse to help.
                                                               I also do not help if a breeder has puppies that
                                                               they cannot sell. I see that as the responsibility
                                                               of all breeders to find good caring homes for all
                                                               their puppies, if however I have more homes
                                                               than dogs and a breeder has a puppy or older
                                                               dog returned to them, then I am happy to pass
                                                               on names and addresses of possible new

                                                               Over the years we have had many occasions
                                                               when we have thought what do we do with
                                                               this one, well on two occasions it has been
                                                               impossible to re-home so we have kept them.
                                                               The first was a little red dog who bit for the hell

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