Page 13 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 13

Figure 2 shows the
           relationship between
           dog’s hip scores and
           the combined EBVs
           of their parents for
           year 2018. The overall
           statistical trend (red
           line) show that the
           lower the combined
           EBV of the parents the
           lower are the progeny
           hip scores. The effect
           of using the best
           parental minus EBVs
           compared to using the
           worst parental plus
           EBVs was a reduction
           in progeny hip score of
           9 points from just over
           16 to just over 7.

                             A Sequel
                                                               a greater propensity for joint disorders, and
           My article in Issue 10 showed how the Tibetan       because large numbers of these dogs have
           Terriers breed has improved Hip Scores since        been scored. The principles apply equally to
           the scoring scheme was introduced. Since I          other breeds, but the magnitude of any effect
           wrote that article a significant peer-reviewed      will be different for different breeds. The factors
           scientific paper on hip improvement has been        investigated were to establish if there were
           published in the on-line journal ‘Frontiers in      any discernible trends in hip score parameters
           Veterinary Science’ (15 January 2020). The          over the period 1990 to 2014, and to examine
           paper is entitled “Effectiveness of Canine Hip      whether the implementation of the hip scheme
           Dysplasia and Elbow Dysplasia Improvement           has had a positive influence on hip health.
           Programs in Six UK Pedigree Breeds” and is
           by H.K. James, F. McDonnell and Tom Lewis           The study was a much more detailed and
           of the Kennel Club and the University of            comprehensive study, using substantially more
           Nottingham School of Veterinary Medicine and        data, and analysing more features, than I was
           Science. I now want to have a detailed look at      able to do on my tiny computer (by comparison
           that paper, as it can be taken as the ‘official’    to the KC computer) for my earlier article. The
           evaluation of whether hip and elbow screening       hip score parameters that were analysed were
           help to improve the health of hips and elbows.      the mean (Breed Mean Score, BMS), median,
           I am going to concentrate on the hip dysplasia      standard deviation, 75 percentile (the lowest
           (HD) aspects of the paper as a follow-up to my      75 per cent of scores) and Estimated Breeding
           original article.                                   Values (EBV), both in the overall population
                                                               of each breed and among breeding animals,
           Six breeds were included in the study. These        as well as the rate of participation in the hip
           were Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever,          scheme. All these parameters were related to
           German Shepherd Dog, Rottweiler, Bernese            the year of birth of the dogs that had undergone
           Mountain Dog and Newfoundland, chosen               hip scoring.
           because medium to heavy dog breeds have

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