Page 9 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 9


           Bob Haynes looks at reasons
           Bob Haynes looks at reasons

                                       Why is it important?

           The grooming of our dogs is something               Health of our dogs and ourselves can be
           that sometimes goes on without us thinking          maintained by grooming and early detection of
           too much about it. Obviously, in the Show           the presence of fleas etc. (See Inspection). If
           Dog World correct grooming is essential to          the dogs coat is in good condition then it is more
           present the dog at its very best. I have no         able to do the job for which it was intended,
           intention in this article of venturing into the     i.e. keeping the dog warm in winter and cool in
           world of professional and highly competent          summer. It cannot do this if it is clogged up with
           amateur groomers whose ability in grooming          dead hair, dirt and skin debris.
           dogs is beyond question.
                                                               Appearance of our dogs should be of
           However, it is an important subject so              importance to us all. A well kept, glossy coat
           perhaps a look at the reasons why we groom          on our dogs should surely be the aim of us all?
           dogs would be in order.                             When we massage our dogs coat we stimulate
                                                               the sebaceous glands which then secrete
           When I was engaged teaching both Police and         sebum. The main role of sebum is to waterproof
           Security dog handlers about the grooming of         the dog’s coat. However a by-product of this is
           their dogs I used a mnemonic to assist them in      that it also makes the dogs coat shiny! Highly
           remembering the reasons why we groom our            desirable!
           dogs. The mnemonic is “C.H.A.I.R.”
                                                               Inspection, or examination of the dog is
                 ●  Cleanliness                                an aspect of grooming that is sometimes
                                                               overlooked. When grooming our dog we are
                 ●  Health
                                                               able to inspect every part of his body from nose
                 ●  Appearance                                 to tail. This regular inspection will allow early
                                                               identification of any unwanted lumps, bumps,
                 ●  Inspection
                                                               injuries or other medical problems. Just as
                 ●  Relationship (Bonding)                     in other aspects of dog management, early
                                                               identification of a problem enables it to be dealt
           Cleanliness is self explanatory. Our dogs should    with before it becomes established.
           be as clean as possible so that our homes,
           vehicles and ourselves are not unnecessarily        Relationship or bonding is the final point, but
           dirty because of the dogs presence.                 no less important for being last. Spending

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