Page 204 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 204
doberMann oberMann
We started Lincs Dobermann Club in 2015 as a if that is what they chose and they are not a
forum for fellow Dobie owners to meet and chat. member of our Facebook Group. We have and
Our founder, Paula Devries, was soon asked to continue to work with non-specific breed rescue
help with rescue and rehoming of Dobies and charities when they have a Dobie in need of a
the Charity was officially constituted in April new home. We have assisted the Dogs Trust,
2017; we are a recognised Breed Rescue by the Wag’s and Wet Noses, and a German Shepherd
Kennel Club. We have a team of volunteers who Rescue all of whom have found homes for a
support our work by helping arrange fundraising Dobie through ourselves.
events, finding sponsors, walking the dogs in
kennels and a whole host of things that Rescue We hold Companion Dog Shows up and down
needs to survive. Every member of the Lincs the country – we were aiming for 4 this year
Team is a volunteer, none of us receive a penny which now won’t happen so we need to find
from the Charity – nor do we want to, we are different ways to generate the income we need
all involved because we love the breed and to cover the costs of Rescue. Kennel and
we want to see all Dobies safe in their forever Veterinary costs are big chunk of our expenses,
home. We are also lucky to have such amazing we have every dog vet checked when they
Foster families who support our dogs and us, come to us to make sure they receive the
before we find a forever home for them. correct treatment before rehoming. We run
Number Boards, Dog Breed Cards, Auctions,
We have driven the length and breadth of the Photo Competitions, in fact any activity which
country collecting dogs as well as rehoming. will help us to fundraise. We held an on-line
We undertake our own homechecks and we Music Event this year – one of our members is
always complete the homecheck with the a singer and he gave his time to us and raised
dog as we believe in this way we can see if a great amount for us. Some of our members
the environment and the family are a match support us through birthday fundraisers, we
for our dogs. In our experience, it’s better are also registered with Easyfundraising and
to work in this way even though it increases Amazon Smile.
our mileage considerably. We always provide
full Rescue Back Up for our dogs and their We travelled to Aberdeen to collect a lovely
families, our ethos is “once a Lincs Dog, always but petrified girl who had spent her short life in
a Lincs Dog”. We also provide support to the a puppy farm. When she was of no further use,
surrendering family should they wish – we keep she was discarded like a piece of waste and she
them updated as to the progress of the dog suffered a dreadful attack from another dog. Her