Page 200 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 200
Van was my first show dog and we went on to
win many green stars & additional awards in the
following years.
Shortly after, Hugh and Jewell Fleming, who
owned Van, bought another female who was
co-owned in partnership with myself and Dad,
called Zena Ch/Ir Ch Aritaur Hipnotique. Zena
was handled by Dad and went on to be the Bitch
CC record holder prior to Viva, who I handle and
co-own with Jackie and Victoria Ingram - two
incredible journeys that I was lucky to be a part
of, but thats another story!
In 2006 Van was mated to Doberlane Strider V
Samenco, which produced Tuwos Emily who I
handled. My first time handling in England was
showing Emily at Three Counties in 2007 - we
were awarded the CC & BOB by the breed
judge Andrew Brace, followed by Group 3 and
Puppy Group 1 from Jean Lanning. We went on
to win many awards both in Ireland & England,
including multiple ‘Puppy of the Year’, BIS,
Green Stars etc. many champions across 17 different breeds. I
initially started handling for the Dronski Kennel
Another male that we owned was Zena’s half- who acquired a male from Sue & Pete Mycroft,
brother, Aritaur Navarro Via Tuwos, known as Supeta’s Wicked Wizard at Dronski. He was
Finn. Finn was co-owned by myself and Dad runner-up Top Dobe for a number of years,
and lived with us in Northern Ireland. He was a behind his world-famous sire Syd. We won 13
great dog to learn from & taught me a lot about CC’s, numerous Group 1’s and qualified for the
handling. As I set my sights higher, I spent Ch Stakes finals. They also owned Dronski
more & more time watching my Dad’s handling; Amadeus, who I handled & qualified for Dog
learning how to command a ring and get the World’s Pup of the year.
best out of my dog.
After a few years with the Dronski Kennel I
It was around this time that I also started began to also handle Italo Elite House, who
handling for other kennels, across a wide was owned by Tracy Feeney and imported
variety of breeds. To this date I have made up from Poland. I remember Tracy handled him in