Page 195 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 195

two females survived. Those two puppies were:       Attilio Polifrone and her litter sister  Ruholfia
           World Champion, Ch Ruholfia Gavriella &             Gavriella won the Intermediate Class, Elide &
           RCI & IDC Jun Siegerin, IDC Baby Siegerin,          Lucinio  also making the finals that year. 4 dogs
           Int/Multi Ch , B.I.S.S. Champion Ruholfia           with all 4 in the finals with two Winners
           Giorgia, BH
                                                               We attended the World Dog Show, Leipzig
           Lucinio himself has proved himself also as a        Germany showing two of the team, our
           showman winning Open class at the IDC in Italy      home bred litter sisters. Ruholfia Giorgia won
           and RCAC at only 2 years old. Being cropped &       Intermediate class & I had the pleasure  of
           docked he has been only lightly shown abroad.       presenting  her sister Ruholfia Gavriella who is
                                                               co-owned with our friends Dorothee & Richard in
           Some very memorable & important shows for           France, in the Open class.  Both girls won their
           our Kennel were                                     classes with Gavriella going on to win the World
                                                               Winner title. It was a dream come true and also
           I.D.C. World Championships in Calvasse, Italy,      making breed history as we were told she is the
           showing three dogs and all three making the         youngest Dobermann to win this title at just 18.5
           finals with Giorgia winning the Baby Siegerin,      months of age. Ruholfia Giorgia has also won
           Lucinio winning the Open dog class & RCAC           2 CCs  & 1 RCC from very limited UK showing
           and Elide 2nd in a large Champion female class.
                                                               under specialist judges Mr Pete Mycroft (UK)  &
           That day 4 of Lucinio’s progeny from his first two   was BIS at NI Club Ch Show under Mr Detlef
           litters were present in baby class and out of 27    Kohler ( Germany)
           babies they stood 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th.
                                                               At the World Dog Show Milan, Italy, Multi Ch
           It was at I.D.C. World Championships in             Ruholfia Billion Dollar Bebe won Champion
           Hungary where Ruholfia Giorgia won the IDC          female class under World renowned Breed
           Junior Siegerin under breed Specialist Dott         specialist Dott Pezzano in superb competition
                                                                            and Elide del Diamante Nero won
                                                                            Intermediate class & the CAC

                                                                            At the Luxembourg Dobermann
                                                                            Trophy Ch Show 2016, Elide won
                                                                            Best in Show

                                                                            At the Luxembourg Dobermann
                                                                            Trophy Ch Show 2018, Giorgia
                                                                            won Best in Show

                                                                            We now have more Lucinio
                                                                            progeny after mating Lucinio to
                                                                            Ch Ruholfia Figi Gigi and kept a
                                                                            male & female from this litter ....
                                                                            The male Ruholfia Kendo began
                                                                            winning from Junior class and was
                                                                            also CAC, CACIB  Best male at
                                                                            the Eurodog Show Kortrijk only
                                                                            beaten to BOB by his half sister
                                                                            Int/Multi CH Ruholfia Giorgia
                                                                            & on his second visit to Belgium
                                                                            from Intermediate class was CAC,
                                                                            CACIB, BOB, Belgium Winner &
                                                                            Brussels Winner 2019
                       World Champion, Ch Ruholfia Gavriella
             passing the AIAD Championships Campinato Courage Test

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