Page 197 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 197
Breed Club
he Dobermann Pinscher Club was
founded in 1948, later to be known
as The Dobermann Club, with 20
The Original President - Sir Noel Curtis
Bennett KCVO
Chairman - A T A Curnow Esq.
Vice Chairman L Hamilton-Renwick Esq
Hon. Secretary Mrs J M R Curnow.
The principal objective of the club is to
foster and promote the interests, welfare
and good name of the breed.
Breaking Ground for the clubhouse
Over the years the Dobermann Club has
grown into a special club, there have
been ups and downs, but the club has
always come through strong, with hard
working dedicated people looking after it.
In the early eighties a handful of people
had a vision to own their own training
ground where we could train our
Dobermanns and hold shows events
etc. The fund raising started. We put on
exemption shows, fun days, raffles, cake
stands, auctions, car boots, second hand
book stands. We even clipped nails and
trimmed whiskers, nothing was too small
to earn a bob or two, and finally we had
enough to purchase our land in Digswell.
But before the council would give us
permission to change the use and to build
a pavilion,we had to securely fence in the The club house committee.