Page 194 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 194
showing Tino “Elide” (Int /Multi
brought us to Ch Elide del
many different Diamante Nero).
countries to I coincided her
compete against collection with
many different shows in Slovenia
dogs. & San Marino! I
had truly been
Mr Tino had an bitten by the show
illustrious career, bug! We arrived
over many years, in Tuscany
in many countries and weren’t
across Europe, disappointed.
gaining Champion
Titles in Ireland, After meeting
in the UK winning Massimo and the
4 CCs & 1 RCC beautiful Elide.
from limited We arranged
shows, all under to go to dinner
breed specialist that night at I
at Club Shows. Vitici. This lead to
He then went on one of my most
to win 8 CACs in memorable &
the Netherlands nerve wrecking
Int, Multi Ch Ruholfia Giorgia,
& became a moments. As we
Champion of the had our dogs
Netherlands also winning Best in Show at the with us, Massimo asked us to present them
D.V.I.N. Club Championship Show. As well as for him after dinner. I was delighted with Tinos
becoming a Champion of Luxembourg, Slovenia presentation. Massimo complemented him
and San Marino. and also told us he was in reality the dog you
see in the photo. He also complimented our
Winning 17 CACIBs in 6 different countries, he females qualities. This led to a great friendship
also won 11 Groups including the prestigious between us all and I feel privileged Diamante
Paris International Dog Show where he was Nero Kennel took the time to mentor us in the
awarded BOB at the Dobermann Specialty development of our breeding.
under breed specialist Dr. Andi Hudono
(Indonesia) & won the Group under Mr Peter Elide turned into a true princess winning all the
Harysani (Hu). He was my first male & all major shows in Italy and her biggest wins came
handled by his novice handler! Tino is now winning the CAC at the A.I.A.D. Championship
10.5 years old and in great form. I hope to enjoy judged by Attilio Polifrone & Dott Pezzano and
many more years with him by my side. CAC at World Dog Show in Milan under Dott
Pezzano. For me the greatest compliment is the
Being drawn to the Italian lines & that typical quote from her breeder Massimo Santini who
classical Dobermann look with elegance & stated she is the most beautiful and important
power, it was time to search for another female female bred in their kennel.
& the kennel that stood out to me was Del
Diamante Nero, that had line bred to the famous This leads me to a very significant male who we
Furstenfeld line, and is known for their excellent purchased from Del Diamante Nero Kennels,
chiselled heads. So I plucked up the courage Lucinio del Diamante Nero. The influence
to contact Massimo Santini and ask him for a of this male cannot be underestimated. On his
puppy, in particular with Urbano in the pedigree. very first mating to our home bred female Multi
After some time & negotiations I purchased Ch Ruholfia Bardot. A small litter of 4 and only