Page 196 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 196

We had hoped to show them both this year, as
           they have only just turned 2 years old, along
           with our younger team members

           As well as showing I really enjoy working
           Dobermanns, training them for ZTPs & I.G.P.  I
           love their high drives, the rapport & strong bond
           this brings which I find very rewarding & even
           more so with a dog you’ve bred yourself.
           As a breeder I have learnt the importance of
           research into pedigrees not just for conformation
           but also where possible trying to establish the
           character of the dog and genuine health results
           to further the breed. I believe it is very important
           to attend the breeds top shows & to look at the              Int, Multi Ch Ruholfia Giorgia
           dogs in the flesh & also to present your breeding    Group Winner at International Golden Winner
           under the breeds top breed specialist judges
                                                                               Show, Belgium
           at these shows against the best. This is what
           motivates & challenges us                           Outside of showing I awarded my first set of
                                                               Green Stars (CAC’s) in Dobermanns 2017 and
           I understand all rounders are important and         have had the pleasure of Judging Club Shows in
           have their place in maintaining a breed but they    France, Serbia & Scotland & I am also qualified
           can also overlook correct breed type & correct      to award CACs in Bulldogs, Great Danes &
           breed specifics for showmanship.                    Bernese Mountain Dogs

                                                                                         In the short time
                                                                                         we have been
                                                                                         breeding & showing
                                                                                         we’ve been very
                                                                                         fortunate to have
                                                                                         had unimaginable
                                                                                         success. It has truly
                                                                                         been the stuff that
                                                                                         dreams are made of.

                                                                                         I hope to enjoy many
                                                                                         more years of fun
                                                                                         with the breed who
                                                                                         has captured my

                                                                                         Viva il Dobermann!

                              Ch Ruholfia Figi Gigi,Jun ch, ZTP V1A,
                               Lucinio del Diamante Nero, ZTP V1A
                              & ELide del Diamante Nero, ZTP V1B,
                  passing the ZTP under President DC & IDC Mr. H Wilhishauser

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