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full four and half acres and we had to reposition the
             entrance. Also, we had the cost of removing tons and
             tons of tipped rubbish and this took all the money
             we had to build a small pavilion, so the fund raising
             had to start again. That is when we had the first ‘Top
             Twenty Competition’. It was so successful we ran it
             for a number of years. I must mention the late Derek
             King who was one of a small band of workers, Derek
             had judged a number of times in the US and made
             a lot of friends who were very generous with their
             donations, so we were able to build our pavilion only
             to have it burnt to the ground by vandals. We were
             devastated. I remember standing with Margaret King
             and Aline Eliott looking and feeling very tearful, my
             husband who is a person of a few words said “look
             you three you are Dobermann people, strong and
             proud, we can clear this and rebuild, and this is what
             we all did. It took a few months but we did it.
             Since then we have gone from strength to strength.
             We now hire the field out to other dogs clubs, it’s
             hard work but worth it.
             We also run obedience classes every Saturday.
             Obviously,  not when we have hired the field out.
             We run two shows a year, a Championship and an
             Open show. We also have a working committee
             who organise schutzhund training weekends when
             they are not competing. All in all the Dobermann
             Club has come a long way from the small beginning,
             hopefully the original members would be proud of the
             The original band of people has dwindled, but we
             have a good strong hard working young committee
             which means the Dobermann Club is in good hands
             To own or be owned by a Dobermann is a privilege,
             they are a strong loyal dog whose love for their family
             has no ending and they would lay down their life for
             you. There is absolutely nothing to compare to the
             love between a human and their Dobermann.
             Viv Lucas, Secretary

               Facebook group:  The Dobermann Club (UK)

             The club’s venue is on the outskirts of the village of
             Digswell in Hertfordshire, is available for hire. For
             further information contact the Club Hiring Events

                                 Mrs Jo Wall
              Tel: 07900 677016          email:

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