Page 225 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 225

The very first Open Show was held on the 14th       The First Club Championship Show was on
           October 1978 at Sentry Hill in Ballymena. The       Monday 4th May 1981.  It was held in Ballymena
           judge was Mrs Audrey Woods (Dirksby).  A total      and the judge was Mrs Julia Curnow, the Club’s
           of 58 dogs were entered.  Audrey was from           President and one of the owners of the Tavey
           Belfast and had been seriously involved in the      Affix.  There was an entry of 99 dogs.
           breed since the 1950’s, when she got a bitch
           from the Tavey Kennel.

           Like all Clubs in the 1970’s, 1980’s and even
           early 1990’s there was a lot of enthusiasm and
           many events were held, dinner dances, quiz
           nights and more importantly educational nights.
           Breed seminars were arranged and these would
           be available for club members, exhibitors and
           anyone outside breed.  Mike Bradshaw was
           always very involved with holding and running
           these events.  The seminars content was to help
           aspiring judges to have an understanding of the
           breed standard, basic conformation, movement
           and all aspects of judging.  These seminars
           were unfortunately never very well attended
           but the general feedback was that they were               Dog CC Winner and Best in Show
           enjoyable and educational. Everyone agreed            Di Patience with DIZOWN RAZZAMATAZZ*
           that Mike Bradshaw was a great help and a true
           ambassador for the breed.                             Reserve Dog CC Winner - Dennis & Carey
                                                                 McGlinchey with DIZOWN THE SENATOR
           The highlight for the Northern Ireland
           Dobermann Club was when The Kennel Club
           granted the Club Championship show status for
           1981.  For a club which was only formed in 1977
           it was a great achievement, which was the result
           of hard work by all those within the club and our
           friends in the UK.

                                                                     Bitch CC Winner - Mrs Briscall with
                                                                      TAVEY OVATION OF TANCREY*

                                                                Reserve Bitch CC Winner - Rosie Lane with
              NIDC’s 1st Kennel           NIDC’s 1st                  CHAANROSE THE SOLITAIRE*
                Club Licence         Championship Show
                                           Schedule            * Each of these dogs later went on to gain their
                                                               Champion Title

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