Page 229 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
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in 2017, Lynn Glass was the judge and gave she picked up a further 6 CC’s, bringing her
Viva her 28th CC. Windsor Show arrived in its tally to 38, and saw her go Top Dobermann for
usual fashion, sunshine and blue skies, Lesley another year. Not forgetting, on 6th February
Wright pointed to Viva awarding her the all 2018 Viva gave birth to ‘Ivy’, her Ch daughter
important BCC, making Viva the new Bitch CC Jojavik Devils Ivy. Ivy was a result of a half
Record Holder. brother sister mating - she was sired by
Grafmax Roberto Alagna, who like Viva, was
Vivas 30th CC was a special day for me at sired by Locomotive. In 2019, Ivy followed in
NW&PB, where she won through the breed her mother’s footsteps becoming a Champion,
under Caroline Friend Rees, sending her into winning 6 CC’s, 6 BOB’s and Group 1.
the group. The group & BIS judge of the day
was Liz Cartledge, who had previously awarded In 2019, despite having to step down for her
Viva her 22nd CC in 2016. It was another day kennel mates, Viva won two more CC’s from
where the sun was shining which I remember Breed specialists; Nadia Timmermans-Kadenko
vividly; we entered the group ring together, in & Tony Fisher. Not to be outdone by her
true Viva style she moved with the airs and daughter, she also won the group at Windsor
graces of a thoroughbred, four foot in front of me under Paul Lawless.
at the end of the lead, listening to her supporters
cheers, denying anyone to look past her. As Viva’s award tally currently stands at 40CC’s,
the crowd held their breath, Liz pointed in our 23 RCC’s, 1 X BIS, 2 X Group 1, 2 X Group 2,
direction awarding Viva Group 1 & BIS. It was 2 X Group 3. Top Dobermann ‘15, ‘18 & Top
a day I will never forget, achieving the highest Dobermann Bitch ‘14, ‘15, ‘16, ‘18
accolades from two judges that I have the
utmost respect for. A once in a lifetime dog...
...‘The Special One’
Viva’s success carried on into 2018 where