Page 247 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 247
Two that stood out were brown brother and
sister Tuwos Hamlet JW and Tuwos Ophelia.
Both won well and gave there owners lots of fun
in and out of the ring.
Michelle and I had started a family and decided
we would only have one or two dogs at most
and that has been the way ever since. We
rarely bred a litter, in fact only two were born at
home in the early years. The second being to a
bitch, bred locally on terms with Shaun Watson
I picked and bought her at 6 weeks old. Schutz
Ophilia won really well for us, gaining her JW
easily and her Irish title but her and the kennels
biggest win to that time was the bitch CC at
Leeds under Finnish all rounder Kari Jarvenin.
Beaten for Best of Breed by the great Swnydwr
Storm Bearer.
“Desa’ was later mated to Keith Allisons Pompie
Dutch Dictator and produced Ir Ch Tuwos Dark
N Delicious and Tuwos Dark N Delinquent, both
won well and even qualified together for the
prestigious Irish pup of the year.
Josh was starting to take more interest in
stacking and going to shows with me but it really
kicked off for him after Hugh and Jewell Fleming
A couple of years later I met Michelle and joined with us. They used Dark n Delinquent on
because of our joint interest in dogs, (she their Vanlinberg bitch bred to Schutz lines and
showed a whippet, her parents showed Afghans a very important female to our kennel was born,
and Cavalier king charles Spaniels). I came up Black Fusspot Belle.
with the Affix TUWOS, its an anagram of US
TWO. ‘Van’ was the first Dobe
Josh handled in the ring,
Some friends used Major winning Best of breed at
on their nicely bred his first attempt, beating
bitch by an american the great Zena..... But it
import. From the litter I was in the whelping box
picked our first Tuwos where she would really
puppy. Tuwos Head make her mark.
Over Heels, a brown
bitch. Who won well She produced 3
enough but no great Champion off spring
shakes. She was later and had a UK Ch grand
mated to a Sallate dog daughter to a male I
bred by Graham Hunt bought in from Martin
and produced our first and Jay Horgans Aritaur
TUWOS litter. kennel.