Page 248 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 248

This brings me neatly onto how a certain “Zena”     from the Dobgrace kennels in Romania. I had
           came into my life. Hugh was looking to import       been looking at Cristina’s kennel for a few years
           a puppy from Russia, sired by Tamerlan Iz           and noticed she worked in a similar way to me.
           Slavnoi Stai x Erio Pro Kimberly Krystal. I had
           mentioned that I had a pick of females puppy        “Grace” arrived and became a big hit in the ring
           booked from Aritaur that had the same sire out      very quickly. She has won almost everything I
           of a beautiful bitch that I had given Best in Show   asked of her, including many Best in Groups,
           to at the Birmingham dobe club show but had         CC’s etc, becoming a UK and Irish Ch by the
           to cancel due to my male just having had an op      time she was 2 1/2 years old.
           for torsion. Long story short, Hugh rang Jay and
           asked if he could have my pick but the choice       She is now the proud mum of my latest litter to
           had gone to someone in Sweden, however as           Georgie Khuls very handsome and superbly
           I was going to co-own and handle, I went with       bred Holyhells blue steel.
           Hugh and Jewel to pick the pup.
                                                               It’s been a long journey and I have achieved
           My eye fell on the orange collared bitch, each      almost everything I’ve wanted in dogs. Many
           and every time I saw her. She became Ch/            Champions, Ireland’s most winning Dobermann
           Ir Ch Aritaur Hipnotique, a previous bitch          Kennel ever with over 50 CCs, Crufts wins, Multi
           breed record holder with 28 CC including Best       all breed Best in Shows and a CC judge in the
           of Breed at Crufts in 2008. She truly was a         UK and judging groups 1, 2 and 3 plus Best in
           fabulous bitch, whom I had a great rapport with     show under FCI rules.
           in and outside of the ring.
                                                               Josh has gone on to handle many UK
           She was to be mated to an outstanding male in       Champions including taking over the bitch CC
           USA by the name of Dabneys Phenomenon               record and helping Jojavik become Top kennel
           but a horrenous mix up with the importer            All breeds in the UK twice.
           and courier of the semen resulted in that not
           happening. Zena was instead mated to Ch            
           Supetas Ozzy Osbourne, two record holders
           mated together for the first time...

           That litter produced the amazing Tuwos H litter.
           Three Champions, Ch/Ir Ch T. Halestorm, Ch/Ir
           Ch T. Hrana and Ir Ch T. Fernando Torres.  All
           three went Best in Show at all breed ch shows.
           Another record I believe.

           Another UK Ch joined the ranks, Andy and
           June Cairns T. Jackie O, sired by our Aritaur
           Navarro out of a grand daughter of Fusspot

           As I mentioned previously, I only ever kept one
           maybe two dobes at a time and always for their
           full life, so breeding was never a big thing for me
           but I usually seemed to put the right dog to the
           right bitch. I prefer to look at the dog and bitch
           and compare phenotype then check pedigrees
           for line breeding and health, longevity.

           Three and a half years ago I imported a female

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