Page 246 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 246

TU                                                            Dobermanns

                                                                                         Billy Henderson

           It all started when I was 16 and looking in the     When the time came, I put that knowledge to
           local paper on the way home from work, for a        good use and picked the one that chose me...
           Boxer or Great Dane puppy. My boss then said        So much for research!
           his sister’s Dobermann bitch was due a litter in
           a couple of weeks and we were to go do some         I ‘ picked’ a male, who I grandly named Ram
           work there.                                         of Drummad... Major to his friends. In time
                                                               I entered him at the newly formed  Northern
           So, I put the paper down and looked forward to      Ireland Dobermann Club’s first open show under
           that instead.                                       Mrs Audrey Woods.

           In the meantime I bought Fred Curnow and Julia      I had entered him in every class apart from
           Faulks book on the Dobermann and did some           Open... He won 2 firsts, a second, a third and a
           reading on how to pick a puppy....                  fourth... I was hooked on shows now.

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