Page 241 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 241

After Rex has passed on, another
           Dobe came into the house. This
           was Curt (Escafeld Sekunde)
           who was born in January 1962
           and bred by a policeman in
           Sheffield out of Edna Barnacle’s
           dog Ch Talaureen Hurricane.
           I was told that he was my dog
           and that I would need to train him
           and to show him. Well, I joined
           the local Ipswich Dog Training
           Club. This was a whole new world
           to me and I thoroughly enjoyed
           working my Dobe amongst all the
           other breeds at the club. They
           were principally interested in
           obedience training, competing
           in obedience competitions and
           doing demonstrations at local                         Curt (Escafeld Sekunde)
           events. No show training, just a          My first Dobermann and the first dog that I showed
           concession that he would stand
           when the other dogs sat. Show
           training classes had not been invented then, so I had very little idea of what dog showing was all

           The first show I was entered for was the Willesden Town Show in September 1962. I had no idea
           what to expect but it was a memorable experience and started me on a journey that was to continue
           for the rest of my life. Before the judging started, Mother bought a nice new red leather lead so that
           he would look smart in the ring. Well, it was a bit wet that day and when I eventually got into the
           ring, I was having an unexpected problem. The red die was coming off the lead in the rain. I was
           covered in red die and the lead was so slippery that I could barely hold my dog, let alone try to show
           him. With a young Dobermann who was a bit lively to say the least, it was certainly a baptism of fire.
                                                                    However, we survived and had many more
                                                                    adventures in the months and years to

                                                                    The next big adventure saw me showing
                                                                    at an open show at Clacton-on-Sea. I had
                                                                    entered four classes and sat there for
                                                                    hours waiting for my classes and couldn’t
                                                                    understand why they had judged best in
                                                                    show before I had been in the ring. Well,
                                                                    nobody had explained to me that I should
                                                                    have entered in a class called ‘Any Variety
                                                                    Not Separately Classified’. In those days,
                                                                    open shows always had numerous classes
                                                                    after best in show, such as ‘bred by
                                                                    exhibitor’, ‘not bred by exhibitor’ and ‘AV
                                                                    Non-Sporting’, and it was those classes
                                                                    that I had entered. The judge was Ben
              Rex (Frenches Gaynos) bred by Rita Price-Jones
                                                                    Johnson and I won two seconds and two
              The Dobermann that I lived with during the 1950s.
                                                                    fourths, so I was able to go home with a
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