Page 236 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 236
In 2005 a group of us from Ireland and the UK
ventured to the IDC in Bratislava. A fantastic
weekend was had by all, along with many sore
heads. It was a great opportunity to see some
of the dogs I have admired in the flesh and they
didn’t disappoint.
The law then changed with no more quarantine
requirements due to the introduction of dog
passports. This change saw the arrival of our
first German import at 10 months old, Enrytar
Ullyses von Fitzkin Jun Ch who settled in
quickly and enjoyed success in the ring winning
5 Green Stars prior to his untimely death in a
road accident in 2010. Thankfully, he had left
behind his progeny to carry on his legacy.
Raven (Ch Fitzkin Eternal Elegance Jun Ch,
JD) was to prove a highly successful bitch for
us both in the ring and the whelping box. She
was Reserve Top Dobermann in 2013. She
had one litter and produced Ch & Int Ch Fitzkin
Has It Jun Ch, JD, CJW’13, An Ch ‘16. Reiko
went on to become Top Dobermann and Annual
Champion 2016
I trained and qualified as a City & Guilds
Groomer in 2003 being one of the first students Fast forward a few years and in 2015 I finally
to take the exams in Ireland. I continued to run got what I had been waiting for, a beautiful
a successful grooming parlour and boarding brown girl from Elena Kruglova (Sant Kreal
kennels for many years. As Dobermann are a Dobermann). Sant Kreal My Dream iz Fitzkin
highly intelligent breed, I did in the early years loved to show and gained her Irish Champion
training for obedience, working trials and agility Title by 21 months old. She continued her
which the dogs thoroughly enjoyed, but lack of winning ways gaining her International
time forced these disciplines aside. Champion, Junior Champion, Junior Diploma,
Celtic Junior Winner and Celtic Winners Titles.
We imported two more dogs from Sant Kreal,
one as recently as last year.
In 2012 Fitzkin gained another team member
this time of the two-legged variety. Daryl loves
going to shows (he hasn’t much choice really)
and is now looking for his own dog to show.
This is music to my ears as much as I think
I’m not getting older, reality is a different thing
altogether. Fred will be a lot happier not having
to enter the ring, preferring the management
side of my Dobermann obsession. We took
the plunge and began showing in Europe in
2016 which is great fun; nothing better than a
good road trip lol. Our Euro success continued
with Ch, CIB, NL Ch Sant Kreal Hugo Boss
iz Fitzkin Jun Ch, JD, CJW’17, CW’18, An