Page 239 - K9News_Issue12_July2020
P. 239

Phillippa Thorne-Dunne in recognition of her
           efforts to get the Club established.

           The first Secretary was Mrs Phillippa Thorne-
           Dunne (as above) and the first President Mr
           Tom Sessford.  The Club held 3 shows during
           the year – 2 Open and a Championship and in
           those days also scheduled 5 Obedience classes
           for all breeds, not just Dobermanns.  I have 3
           show catalogues from 1967 and there were as
           many entries in the Obedience section as in the
           Breed even at the Ch show.  Sadly interest in
           the Obedience side has waned over the years.

           1989 was the Silver Jubilee year of the NEDC
           and we had two American judges for the Ch
           show, Barbara Gaines and Jane Kay, both
           highly respected and successful breeders “over
           the pond”.  These ladies drew an excellent entry,
           the Ch show at that time was held in Bolton, at
           the Silverwell Street Sports Centre and on the
           evening prior to the show a pre-show dinner was
           arranged, which again was well attended.  The
           photo is of the Committee at the time, together     cancelled but we hope to be back up and
           with the judges.                                    running in 2021.  We have a lovely venue near
                                                               Warrington where we are able to hold our shows
           The Club celebrated its 50th Anniversary in         outside (weather permitting) which gives plenty
           2014 with two successful shows, the Open show       of room for the ring and spectators and we look
           judged by Jayne Johns and the Ch show by            forward to welcoming our exhibitors back in
           Sharon Wilkins (Dzuba). Commemorative gifts         April and June in 2021, Government guidelines
           were distributed to exhibitors and members alike    current at the time permitting.

           The Club is currently run by Secretary  Wendy       To find out more about the  club please visit their
           Meikle; Chairman  Keith Baldwin; Vice Chairman      website
           Peter Forshaw; Treasurer Lesley Blackford;
           Membership Secretary/PRO/Show Secretary
           Judith Balshaw;  Health & Education Co-
           ordinator Sylvia Wilcox, and Committee - Alan
           Brown, Susan Brown, John Shaw,  Sylvia
           Porcynska and Rebecca Barber.

           The Committee and friends treat ourselves to
           a meal at Christmas time and, as you can see
           from the photo,  a good time is had by all!!

           The Club has seen many changes in its 56
           year existence in all aspects and sadly due
           to Covid-19 our 2020 shows have had to be

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