Page 123 - K9News_Issue16_May2021
P. 123
growing attention amongst responsible breeders any pressure and with other newbies
to produce pups who have the greatest chance
of living long, happy, healthy lives and although If interested contact Patricia Newton.
the conscientious breeders have always had telephone her on 01724 850637 or via email at
these aims today with the co-operation between
the Kennel Club, Breed Clubs, Vets, Health
Tests and general awareness great progress Returning to my own first ownership of the
can be achieved and sometimes measured. breed, my boy “Devon”, a handsome, showy
When judging all breeds are assessed fairly and boy, was neither the best introduction to our
equally but for ownership my own preference is house (that’s still something of a work in
for breeds with minor breed specific peculiarities progress to tell the truth) nor the best achieving
(so, e.g., no exaggerated length/height ratios, exhibit we’ve had in the ring, but here he is,
excess skin, extreme facial features etc.). still with us, a little broader in the beam and
In short, I’m looking for a squarish dog that greyer about the gills (aren’t we all?) and we
has enough peculiarities to make it clearly wouldn’t be without him. He had some share
of its breed but not impinge on its likelihood of the spotlight with a ShCM, a BIS at a Toy
for the best chance of a wonderful life. We group open show and he was the first ETT to
have to remember that ANY dog can be ill or qualify for the Crufts Final of Vulnerable British
injured or suffer unanticipated problems - just and Irish Breed Competition though he was not
like people - this is different from a breed’s allowed to compete as I was judging Canaan
predisposition to a condition but the harder we Dogs at the show and this was considered to
try to eliminate possible problems and those be a conflict. Devon and I made a great team
problems historically (and sometimes unwittingly and we both enjoyed our times of training and
perpetuated) associated with particular breeds showing, but these days he’s more likely to be
the better all will be found sharing my armchair. I’ve been judging
ETTs for 11 years and can truly say I’ve enjoyed
Having read the title, you’ll know I decided each appointment. This is due to my real liking
upon an ETT, one of a few breeds that made for the breed and the sportsmanship displayed
it to my shortlist. I was in the happy position of by the exhibitors. Unfortunately, the latter is not
being able to observe the breed and its owners apparent in all breeds and though it’s inevitable
but if I’ve sparked your interest at all you might we’ll have our differences from time to time we
be wondering how you can see them, learn share our enthusiasm for the breed and have a
more and possibly contact a suitable breeder mutual respect for each other in the ring and are
who’ll answer your questions, offer advice or quick to assist when hiccoughs arise. In June of
guidance and welcome you as one who just this year I am to judge at the Southern Counties
likes the breed. My advice would be to contact Championship Show at Newbury (Covid-19
the breed club. If you have an ETT, aspire to constraints permitting) and this will be such a
one or like the look of them contact the club. treat. I haven’t judged ETTs at this level since
You’ll find a group of similar enthusiasts. Don’t August 2017 and this along with lockdowns etc.
think they’re all skipping around show rings, in ‘20’/21 will mean almost all the dogs will be
they’ll be found in many disciplines, rescue totally new to me.
and welfare work, and many enjoy the true
enjoyment of an organised walk. For a small fee New dogs AND the start of a return to regular
you’ll be welcomed into the club and perhaps (if not normal) showing. How exciting! So all
contribute to it with your own skills everyone we need now is for everyone to observe Covid
can contribute. Perhaps you might just consider guidance, hope for good weather and get back
showing your dog but you won’t be pushed to enjoying our hobby.
into it and some shows offer a “Have a Go”
opportunity which can give you a taste without I can’t wait.