Page 13 - K9News_Issue16_May2021
P. 13

OK. The rants are over. Let’s move onto             I really have absolutely no idea what is
           something a little more light-hearted.              happening now. It is only April and my diary
                                                               already looks like it’s been attacked by a
           In the pre-Covid days our world used to revolve
                                                               drunken octopus that just climbed out of a pot of
           around the dogs, and the years calendar was
           set around the shows.
                                                               And I suspect that, by the time this issue of K9
           In these weird times, our lives still revolve
                                                               News hits the streets, it will all be different again!
           around the dogs, but the calendar bit has gone
           right out of the window!                            As well as my now-indecipherable diary, I also
                                                               run a spreadsheet with all the judges for our
           It used to be simple. Boston and Manchester –
                                                               breed, and I used to update it regularly as
           January. It’s March. Must be Crufts. It’s August.
                                                               judges were announced in The Journal. This has
           Off to WKC in with the caravan, annoying the
                                                               been abandoned completely.
           locals as we trundle along the A470. We knew
           exactly where we were geographically, and what      And don’t even think about mentioning the wall
           month it was, by the shows we were attending.       planner!

           2020 was easy enough. After Crufts was over         Now, that really is enough to make you scream!
           we knew exactly where we were.
                                                               But when all is said and done, my problems are
           We were nowhere! We stayed at home.                 miniscule compared to some.
           Everything was cancelled. All diary entries were
                                                               I no longer serve on any breed club or show
           tipexed out and I contemplated selling my empty
                                                               committees, so haven’t had to deal with the
           diary on Ebay.
                                                               stress of attempting to re-schedule events
           But 2021 is turning out to be a little bit more     and then having to make the really difficult
           challenging.                                        decision of whether to cancel or not, with all the
                                                               subsequent knock-on problems it causes.
           So far…..….Boston and Manchester……err. No.
                                                               I haven’t been anxiously awaiting that hard-
           March. Must be Crufts. No, wait. It’s July. No,
                                                               earned first-time CC appointment, and worrying
           hang on, it isn’t.
                                                               every time the phone rings.
           May will be Bath. No, Bath is now in August with
                                                               I don’t make a living dragging a large gazebo
           Paignton and Bournemouth.
                                                               and trailer load of dog combs, water bowls
           And Blackpool….. which is in June is now in         and coat conditioner around the country in the
           Wales. No. Not in Wales. On the weekend of          endless cycle of setting up and taking down a
           WKC. And not in June. In August.                    stand.

           Southern Counties is now in Windsor. Or is that     Or any of the other too-many-to-name jobs and
           Windsor is at Southern Counties. No, hang on.       businesses whose livelihoods depend on the
           That was just Facebook being, well, Facebook!       activities of the canine world, and have been
           Windsor is with Crufts, Boston and Manchester.      seriously disrupted by this pandemic and all its
           And WKC. As in not happening now until 2022.        consequences.
           Along with City of Birmingham, WELKS and
                                                               For all of these, and the many others deeply
           Three Counties.
                                                               affected by all this weirdness, I feel genuinely
           But at least we’ll know when it’s May because       and deeply sorry.
           SKC is always in May. Except it’s now in
                                                               But for us, as I’ve said before, this is just our
           September at the same time as their August
                                                               hobby. We are lucky.
                                                               So I’ll shut up now!

                                              K9 NEWS DIGITAL / MAY 2021
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