Page 12 - K9News_Issue16_May2021
P. 12

own dog during the procedure carried out by a       competitive. And the BVA charges are those set
           suitably protected ophthalmologist.                 by the BVA. Nothing more. Being specialists,
                                                               you can guarantee your X-rays will be as good
           Actually, we went to an eye testing clinic on
                                                               as it gets in terms of quality, and if, for any
           the 11th April, the first for a very long time.
                                                               reason, they are not, then they are done again
           There were several reasons why we decided
                                                               until they are.
           to go ahead with this one, having declined a
           number of others: We really needed to get this      My last ones were £80 for the X-ray and £70 to
           bitch tested having already put our plans back,     the BVA, which is the recommended submission
           though we were not going to compromise on our       and scoring fee as quoted on their website.
           principles; it was fairly local (well, only 2½ hours
                                                               Now, I am not a great one for believing
           away. ‘Local’ for dog people!); we were testing
                                                               everything I read on social media, but there are
           an older bitch who is an old hand at this and
                                                               some things that, though somewhat startling,
           wouldn’t be fazed by someone else handling
                                                               are clearly true.
           her; it was a BVA Eye Panellist we knew; they
           were charging the correct BVA group clinic rate     And for the price of X-rays and submission to
           of £34 for an HC test with nothing extra for PPE,   the BVA, I have seen posts quoting (and the
           additional helpers, venue, etc.                     person posting having been quoted) everything

                                                               from much the same as we pay to an eye-
           It was very well organised, extremely efficiently
                                                               watering £1200 plus!
           run and very relaxed. I applaud all involved.
                                                               OK. I get it that some vets will not carry out an
           Having said that, while I was able to take Luna
                                                               X-ray under sedation and therefore the dog has
           into the building as far as the testing room door,
                                                               to be given a general anaesthetic, along with all
           at which point the vets assistant took her in
                                                               the resultant costs (though why anyone would
           for the actual test (them having already made
                                                               want to do this when safer, better, cheaper
           friends at the eye drops stage of the procedure),
                                                               alternatives are readily available), but why are
           which meant she was only away from me for all
                                                               some vets quoting anything up to £300 for
           of two minutes, I would still be really concerned
                                                               submitting the X-rays to the BVA?
           about doing this with a youngster that had not
           only never been through an eye test before          Somebody is making a great deal of profit on
           (dark room, strangers close up, lights shining      this and, sadly, it’s another example of people
           the eyes, etc) but had also been born and           taking advantage of a situation, and making
           brought up during a lock-down with the resulting    money out of others’ desperation.
           considerably less socialisation and exposure
           to the big wide world than would normally be        We have experienced much the same with the
           experienced.                                        Pet Passports. Our last one (which was in April
                                                               2020) cost us around £80, which included the
           As I said, with all the right precautions, I really   vaccinations. We have friends who can visit
           don’t see why this insistence on owners not         our vet with a 500 mile round trip and still save
           being allowed to attend is necessary.               money!

           And so to hips. And, for some, elbows.              And before you start on me, yes I know that
                                                               everything has changed post-Brexit, but
           For years we have used Southern Canine
                                                               my point is why is there such a disparity
           Imaging, pioneers in the growing field of simply
                                                               in something that really should be at least
           specialising in the X-raying of hips and elbows
                                                               relatively consistent?
           under sedation, and filing the results with the
           BVA for scoring.                                    It’s all enough to make you want to scream. But
                                                               if you do, no one will hear you!
           Their X-ray charges are set, clear and very

                                              K9 NEWS DIGITAL / MAY 2021
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