Page 7 - K9News_Issue16_May2021
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therefore have ample knowledge to make hung up on one particular fault. We are there to
educated decisions as to what is best for THE reward virtues rather than penalise faults.
BREED. Having bred and owned the breed they
should fully appreciate what is important and not At my judging seminars I try to get across to
be fooled by “showmanship” or flashy grooming student judges the need to train themselves to
and handling. They should also appreciate the forget any factors other than the physical and
wording on the award – BEST OF BREED – and mental qualities of the dog in front of them on
not BEST BET FOR THE GROUP. All too often the day. The dog’s winning record, its pedigree
I have seen outstanding bitches lose Best of and its ownership are of no consequence. I
Breed to a slightly inferior male simply because also share with them a little trick I was taught
the male may have more coat, or be asserting when I was starting: when you see a dog that
itself more, and the judge may feel that the male you really like, imagine it being shown by your
stands a better chance in the group than the worst enemy. Is it still that outstanding? More
outstanding bitch. Judges are not judging for importantly, if you have a dog that you really
the group; they are judging for THE BREED, don’t care for, imagine it being handled by your
and the male’s perceived advantages are often best friend in the breed. Is it still so awful or
simply down to testosterone rather than genuine have you noticed some redeeming features? It
breed qualities. might sound silly but you’ll be surprised how it
can rationalise the way we look at dogs.
Everyone has their own style and method
of judging and this should be decided upon The profile of the exhibitor has changed
before they start judging. Many years ago when dramatically in my lifetime. Nowadays we see
interviewing the legendary Anne Rogers Clark, far fewer large-scale breeders who really do
she made the point that she tried first to select see dog shows as “the breeder’s shop window”
the dogs that meet her interpretation of classic and more and more exhibitors who may own
breed type, then she sorts those selected dogs a small number of dogs whose main priority
out on movement. Judging dogs on movement is show-ring success. Human nature is such
alone is a pointless exercise as without breed that no one likes to lose, but it alarms me
type the soundest dog imaginable cannot when I hear unsuccessful exhibitors criticising
accurately portray its breed. Mrs Clark’s method judges for being “crooked”, and the presence of
coincided with my own thinking and I always try, social media has accentuated this fact, giving
when possible, to follow that basic premise. embittered exhibitors the opportunity to become
uncensored keyboard warriors. I really don’t
Breeder-judges have, by definition, been think we have many judges who are actually
closely involved with a breed and consequently “crooks”; what we do have is a lot of judges who
may well have encountered problems when are lacking in self-confidence and don’t have the
developing their breeding programme. Maybe courage of their convictions. For example, faced
they have produced dogs with light eyes, poor with two dogs – one owned by a totally unknown
feet or whatever, and their own experience exhibitor so the judge has never seen either dog
may tend to colour their judgement when it or handler before, and another who is regularly
comes to prioritising faults and virtues. I well seen winning Best of Breed – even when the
remember watching a breeder friend of mine unknown is clearly superior to the “form” dog,
judging her breed a long time ago and she some judges will favour the dog they know to
seemed to be unduly hard on dogs that were a be a big winner, just in case they get it wrong.
little strong in backskull (her breed requiring a This shows a lack of confidence. I remember
clean and somewhat refined head), no matter many years ago the great Hans Lehtinen saying
how excellent they were in other respects. I to me “the difference between confidence and
asked her about this afterwards and the reply arrogance is as thin as a piece of cotton” and
was simple: “I had that fault years ago and it Hasse never lacked the confidence to put up the
proved a devil to get rid of”. Judges are human dog he thought was best, whether he knew it or
and these past experiences make them the not. It is essential that judges go with their gut-
individuals they are, but it is important not to get instinct and follow their heart.