Page 6 - K9News_Issue16_May2021
P. 6


              BIT                  S & PIEC                                               ES
              BITS & PIECES

               WHY JUDGES DO

                    WHAT THEY DO

             In those far-off days when you showed your          But let’s go back to the beginning. When
           dogs on a regular basis, how many times have        judges start off they will begin by judging their
           you left a dog show ring, scratching your head      own breed and usually when actively exhibiting
           and saying to yourself “What on earth is he         themselves. This means that they will be in
           doing”?                                             the main faced with dogs that they know, of
                                                               breeding they know, handled by people they
             I believe that the greatest compliment a judge    know. They will be aware of the winning form
           can have from an exhibitor or ringsider is “I       of many dogs in the ring so all this creates a
           could follow his decisions”. Sometimes it isn’t     kind of mental baggage that should be entirely
           easy for a judge to come up with results that       irrelevant to their decisions.
           are instantly understandable from an onlooker’s
           standpoint, especially in coated or trimmed           The show ring was originally “the breeder’s
           breeds, as the judge has the advantage of           shop window” and the judge’s brief is to find
           having had his hands on the dogs competing.         the dogs that most closely fit the relevant
           Furthermore the dogs in the ring may not            Breed Standard, placing the competing dogs
           necessarily make it easy to “judge to type” when    in order of merit. The embryo judge will be
           there is great variation, but this is the aim of    steeped in their breed and fully understand all
           most conscientious judges.                          the breed characteristics and subtle nuances
                                                               that contribute to creating “breed type”. They

                                              K9 NEWS DIGITAL / MAY 2021
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