Page 10 - K9News_Issue16_May2021
P. 10
Pilots to release the male pilots to the front line. year of championship shows, were run by breed
This is why the beautiful photo of them together clubs. The King Charles Spaniel Club ran two
includes a Fairchild 24W on the brilliant Afghan championship shows that year, with Noranette
Hound International pedigree database. Mrs winning the first post-war bitch ticket, now aged
Hoyt also bred a few Afghan Hounds at this 10. In April 1947 the Club ran the first of its
time, and her Am Ch Rudiki of Prides Hill two championship shows of that year, and with
plus champion daughter went to Mrs Foster her third CC Noranette became the first post
Florsheim to join Rana when she gave up this war champion in the breed, just before her 11th
breed. birthday.
A couple of dogs started their show careers in No breed became extinct during the Second
the late 1930s, and went on to win post war World War, unlike the First which brought a
titles, so those with dogs sitting on two tickets final death knell to the Clydesdale Terrier and
now should not despair. Feeding and health the Miniature Bulldog, with German Spitz sized
care are so much better now that dogs have Pomeranians needing to be started again
much longer show careers now than eighty decades later.
years ago. When the Bull Terrier Regent Trophy
was first awarded in 1930 it was for the best The Sussex and Field Spaniels only just made
Bull Terrier exhibited for the first time during the it through, it taking until the 1970s until the Field
previous year, for that would be the best Bull Spaniel was safe, and that was due to English
Terrier of all as the exhibits of this breed did not Springer Spaniel crosses. The Mastiff had a
last then for a long time in top form. rough time during the war, such a great appetite
at a time of food rationing. Only one puppy bred
Ch Mitzou of Acklam, an Afghan Hound, not during the war had survived. There had been
only went through the war, but she was stranded a ‘blip’ of popularity in the 1930s with society
on the island of Jersey throughout its German lawyer Edmund Oliver starting a new breed
occupation, and she gained her title post war. club. The dogs were filmed by British Pathe –
She also had a litter, with three just google them. But when
of the six puppies going on to Mr Oliver fell down the stairs
become champions. Ch Sirdar and broke his neck all sorts of
of Ghanzi was her double dodgy paperwork pertaining
great grandsire, and as he to his legal practice was
came from Afghanistan, with discovered, the kennel was
unknown parents, I am sure broken up, the club disbanded,
that Mitzou had the genes of and people gave up Mastiffs.
the hunter that could have The original club imported the
been used at this time of US bred dogs that recreated
terrible food shortage. the breed in the UK.
Ch Norannette, a King So, things have been bad for
Charles Spaniel, was born in dog shows over the past year,
1936 and won the bitch CC and I would guess that over
at the LKA in 1939, which 100 dogs will be deprived the
was held in March that year. titles they would have won if
After the war there was a we had not been pushed into
great problem in getting the a pandemic, but we have been
benching together for all-breed through worse in the past.
championship shows, so all
the shows for 1946, the first Ch Norannette