Page 13 - 2022 CCJLS Rules_Neat
P. 13

9.  ONE ENTRY PER CLASS:  An individual may have only ONE ENTRY per class, such as only 1 model (class
                18) or only 1 cake (class 3), EXCEPTION: 3 entries in OTHER FOODS (class 11) & OTHER (class 31). Other
                means your item could NOT be entered in any other class.  For example, bar cookies will not go in other because it
             10.  RIBBONS: Ribbons will be Blue (1  of class), Red (2 ), White (3 ), Pink (4 ), and Yellow (5 ). Classes with only
                one entry will not necessarily be given a blue ribbon if judges determine the entry does not deserve that place.
             11.  SELECTION OF CHAMPIONS: In the selection of the grand and reserve champion of each division, when the
                grand champion has been determined from the first-place entry of each class, the second-place entry from its class
                will be moved forward to determine the reserve champion.
             12.  JUDGES DECISION IS FINAL: The judges’ decisions will be final.
             13.  PREMIUM SALE:

                ➢  The premium sale is for premium monies only.  Premium sale buyers do not have an option to take ownership of
                    any sale item except for qualifying Youth Fair entries.
                ➢  ALL sale items are to be carried through the sale by the owners.

                ➢  Exhibitors will be limited to the sale of ONE lot (animal, food, or craft).
                ➢  Only the exhibitor and his/her sale item will be allowed in the sale ring during the premium auction.
                ➢  Youth fair entries that qualify for entry in the Youth Fair premium auction will be sold before the livestock
                    champions.  Youth Fair Auction Order: grand champion foods and grand champion creative arts, one from each
                    age division (senior, intermediate and junior) will be sold first.  The reserve champion foods and reserve
                    champion creative arts will then be sold: one from each age division (senior, intermediate and junior).

                    Grand and reserve champion youth fair entries in each class are to be sold through auction.  Foods, Creative Arts
                    & Crafts (12 lots).  Alternates will be sold in the event a Grand Champion or Reserve Champion does not sell.
                    The following or alternates will be sold prior to the Livestock Auction:
                    Grand Champion Foods, JR
                    Grand Champion Foods, INT
                    Grand Champion Foods, SR
                    Grand Champion-Creative Arts, JR
                    Grand Champion-Creative Arts, INT
                    Grand Champion-Creative Arts, SR
                    Reserve Grand Champion-Food, JR
                    Reserve Grand Champion-Foods, INT
                    Reserve Grand Champion-Foods, SR
                    Reserve Grand Champion-Creative Arts, JR
                    Reserve Grand Champion-Creative Arts, INT
                    Reserve Grand Champion-Creative Arts, SR

                ➢  All food items selling in the premium sale must be remade FRESH for the sale.

             SALES COMMISSION: A 3% sales commission will be charged on all animals and youth fair items that sell through
             the premium auction.  Sales commission will be charged to exhibitor’s add-on contributions as well.

                                                                                                   2022 CCJLS Rules
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