Page 11 - 2022 CCJLS Rules_Neat
P. 11

                                                     SHOW SCHEDULE

             Wednesday, January 5, 2022
                     2:00 PM   Dairy Heifers begin moving into barn
                 4:00 PM   All Dairy Heifers must be in barn
                 6:00 PM   Dairy Heifer Show begins
             Thursday, January 6, 2022
                8:00 AM    Cattle start moving into barn
                1:00 PM    Deadline for all steers & heifers to be in place
                           Weigh steers
                2:00 PM    Beef cattle judging – Judging will be in the following order - beef heifers, selection of eligible premium sale breeding
                           heifer, market steers, selection of premium sale market steers, beef cattle showmanship.
                          * Market steers will start 15 minutes after the conclusion of the heifer show
                2:00 PM    Youth Fair Entries check in.  Must be completed by 3:00 PM
                3:00 PM    Judging of Youth Fair Entries
                5:00 PM    Public display of Youth Fair Entries
                5:45 PM    Photograph of all Youth Fair grand & reserve champions
                6:00 PM    Youth Fair entries released. Must be picked up by 6:15 PM
                          *All livestock champions and showmanship winners will be photographed after their respective show)
                8:30 PM    Swine start moving into the barn
                           (Night watchman will be there for Thursday night)
             Friday, January 7, 2022
                 8:00 AM   Deadline for all rabbits to be in place
                           Weigh rabbit meat pens
                 9:00 AM   Rabbit judging – Judging will be in the following order: breeding rabbits, meat pens, rabbit showmanship.
                  10:00 AM   Deadline for all swine to be in place
                           Weigh market hogs
                           Poultry check-in
                  11:00 AM   Poultry judging
                 2:00 PM   Swine judging – Judging will be in the following order: market hogs, grand and reserve, breeding wince, sale order, swine
             Saturday, January 8, 2022
                6:00 AM    Ag Mechanics projects start moving in
                6:00 AM    Sheep & Goats start moving into barn
                7:00 AM    Deadline for all Ag Mechanics Projects to be in place
                8:00 AM    Deadline for all market lamb & goats to be in place
                           Weigh sheep then goats immediately after sheep.
                    9:00 AM   Ag Mech. Judging
                  10:00 AM   Sheep and goat judging - Judging will be in the following order: market lambs, selection of premium sale market lambs,
                           lamb showmanship, meat goats, grand and reserve, Breeding Goats, selection of premium sale meat goats, goat
                          *The goat show will be 15 minutes after the conclusion of the market lamb division.
                3:45 PM    Youth fair auction entries must be in place
                4:00 PM    Youth fair auction & Premium livestock auction

                                                                                                   2022 CCJLS Rules
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