Page 8 - 2022 CCJLS Rules_Neat
P. 8
7. Meat pen rabbits should be not over 10 weeks and not under 8 weeks age the day of the show.
8. Weight limit not over 5 pounds 5 ounces each rabbit with a weight tolerance of 3 ounces.
9. If anyone rabbit in the pen weighs more than the maximum weight, the entire pen is eliminated.
10. Rabbits cannot reweigh.
11. All exhibitors are responsible for putting their rabbits on the table and taking them off the table.
1. All breeding animals must have validated exhibitor ownership by December 3, prior to the show except Beef Heifers.
All beef heifers must have validated exhibitor ownership by November 1 prior to the show.
1. Dairy Heifers must be in place by 4:00 PM on Wednesday of the show.
2. Dairy Heifers will be divided into classes by age.
3. Classes will be set at the show.
4. This is a blow and go show. All heifers will be shown with hair in a natural state without the use of glues, paint,
adhesives, etc. Hair conditioning products that requires no wash out (show sheen, revive, zoom bloom, etc …..) will be
5. Dairy Heifers must be out of the barn two hours after conclusion of the Dairy Show.
6. Dairy Heifers will compete for normal awards but will not be included in the Premium Sale.
1. Breeding goats may start moving into the barn the day of the show.
2. All breeding goats must be in place by 9:00 AM on Saturday of the show.
3. Goats will be divided into classes by age.
4. Classes will be set at the show.
a) Junior Doe - 12 months and younger
b) Senior Doe – over 12 months of age
5. Breeding goats may or may not have horns.
1. Breeding gilts must be in place by 10:00 AM on Friday of the show.
2. No bedding will be provided for swine entries. Wood shaving will be allowed in the swine pens if supplied by exhibitor
and is completely removed prior to the conclusion of the show on Saturday. No straw will be allowed in swine pens.
Violators will be subject to penalty.
3. Classes are as follows:
a) August 31, the previous year or older c) October and November of the previous year
b) September of the previous year
1. Beef heifers must be in place by 1:00 PM on Thursday of the show.
2. Heifers will be divided into classes by age.
3. Classes will be set at the show.
4. This is a blow and go show. All heifers will be shown with hair in a natural state without the use of glues, paint,
adhesive, etc. Hair conditioning products that require no wash out (Show Sheen, Revive, Zoom Bloom, etc…) will be
2022 CCJLS Rules
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