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➢ Youth fair entries that qualify for entry in the Youth Fair premium auction will be sold before the livestock
champions. Youth Fair Auction Order: grand champion creative arts and grand champion food, one from each
age division (senior, intermediate and junior) will be sold first. The reserve champion creative arts and reserve
champion foods will then be sold: one from each age division (senior, intermediate and junior). This is now a
premium sale and the items themselves will not be sold.
➢ Grand and reserve champion youth fair entries in each class are to be sold through auction. Foods, creative
cake & craft (12 lots).
➢ There will be no decorations on any premium sale animal lots.
➢ ALL animals that are to be resold will be at the end of auction.
19. DETERMINING PREMIUM SALE LOTS: Premium sale lots will be determined as outlined below:
e) All grand champions, reserve champions, and all first-place market steers, first second and third place market
swine; as well as all first and second place market goats, and market lambs automatically qualify for the
premium sale. Remaining market animals and all breeding beef heifers will show for sale order after the
judging of the individual classes.
f) If an exhibitor has more than one lot qualified for the sale, that exhibitor will be allowed to sell only ONE.
g) The sale percentage of market steers, market lambs, market hogs, & meat goats are to be calculated on 75
premium sale lots.
• Divide the total number of all market animal exhibitors into 75, then that percentage of all divisions
listed above is to be sold. Only those eligible to compete in the show ring will figure in the percentage.
If a person has two animals only ONE will figure in the percentage for the sale. If the animal is eligible
to show, the person can show more than one, but he can only sell ONE. Percentage of animals sold is
calculated on number of exhibitors, not on number of animals in the class.
• There will be a minimum of 12 beef projects sold in the premium auction. This will be a combination
of market steers and breeding heifers. The number of steers and heifers in the premium auction will
be determined by using a percentage of individual exhibitors in each of the beef shows.
• There will be a minimum of 7 market lambs sold in the premium auction. If the percentage of lambs
to be sold is less than 7, additional market lamb lots will be added until the number of lambs sold
totals 7.
• The number of broilers and meat rabbits that qualify for the premium sale will be 4 lots for each with
an additional 4 lots to be split based on percentages. We will sell the 4 broiler and 4 meat pen. The
remaining 4 lots will be determined by using the percentage of individuals showing in each show.
h) There will be a maximum of 5 Ag Mechanics projects that qualify for the premium sale.
20. SALES COMMISSION: A 3% sales commission will be charged on all animals and youth fair items that sell through
the premium auction. A 3% sale commission will also be charged to all animals being sold on the Livestock show
floor. Foods and crafts will also pay the same sales commission. Sales commission will be charged to exhibitor’s
add-on contributions.
a) All unclaimed checks will be shredded and canceled on October 1 of the year following the livestock show and
funds will be returned to the general fund.
b) There will be a charge of $25 to reissue any lost check.
2022 CCJLS Rules
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