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Clay County Junior Livestock Show

                                          CHANGES & REMINDERS – 2022

                          APPLICATION OF RULES                                   SHOW SCHEDULE

             The General Rules & regulations apply to every show listed in this
                                                                  Wednesday, January 5, 2022
             book.  There are also rules specifically for departments and divisions
             within these shows.  The exhibitor is responsible for reading, knowing            2:00 PM   Dairy Heifers begin moving into barn
             & following all the rules which apply to the show entered.       4:00 PM   All Dairy Heifers must be in barn
                                                                      6:00 PM   Dairy Heifer Show begins
                          IMPORTANT CHANGES
                                                                  Thursday, January 6, 2022
                             *Livestock Show Only
                                                                     8:00 AM    Cattle start moving into barn
                              General Rules:                          1:00 PM   Deadline for all steers & heifers to be in place
         19.  DETERMINING PREMIUM SALE LOTS:  Premium sale lots will be         Weigh steers
             determined as outlined below:                           2:00 PM    Beef cattle judging – Judging will be in the following
                                                                                order - beef heifers, selection of eligible premium sale
         a)   All grand champions, reserve champions, and all first-place market   breeding heifer, market steers, selection of premium
             steers, first second and third place market swine; as well as all first and   sale market steers, beef cattle showmanship.
             second place market goats, and market lambs automatically qualify for         * Market steers will start 15 minutes after the conclusion
             the premium sale. Remaining market animals and all breeding beef   of the heifer show
             heifers will show for sale order after the judging of the individual      2:00 PM   Youth Fair Entries check in.  Must be completed by 3:00
             classes.                                                           PM
         b)   If an exhibitor has more than one lot qualified for the sale, that      3:00 PM   Judging of Youth Fair Entries
             exhibitor will be allowed to sell only ONE.             5:00 PM    Public display of Youth Fair Entries
                                                                     5:45 PM    Photograph of all Youth Fair grand & reserve champions
         c)   The sale percentage of market steers, market lambs, market hogs, &
                                                                     6:00 PM    Youth Fair entries released. Must be picked up by 6:15 PM
             meat goats are to be calculated on 75 premium sale lots.
                                                                     8:30 PM    Swine start moving into the barn
         •   Divide the total number of all market animal exhibitors into 75, then
                                                                  Friday, January 7, 2022
             that percentage of all divisions listed above is to be sold.  Only those
             eligible to compete in the show ring will figure in the percentage.  If a      8:00 AM   Deadline for all rabbits to be in place
             person has two animals only ONE will figure in the percentage for the         Weigh rabbit meat pens
             sale.  If the animal is eligible to show, the person can show more than      9:00 AM   Rabbit judging – Judging will be in the following order:
             one, but he can only sell ONE.  Percentage of animals sold is calculated   breeding rabbits, meat pens, rabbit showmanship.
             on number of exhibitors, not on number of animals in the class.          10:00 AM   Deadline for all swine to be in place
                                                                                Weigh market hogs
         •   There will be a minimum of 12 beef projects sold in the premium
             auction.  This will be a combination of market steers and breeding         Poultry check-in
             heifers. The number of steers and heifers in the premium auction will        11:00 AM   Poultry judging
             be determined by using a percentage of individual exhibitors in each of          2:00 PM   Swine judging – Judging will be in the following order:
             the beef shows.                                                    market hogs, grand and reserve, breeding swine, sale
                                                                                order, swine showmanship
         •   There will be a minimum of 7 market lambs sold in the premium
                                                                  Saturday, January 8, 2022
             auction.  If the percentage of lambs to be sold is less than 7, additional
                                                                     6:00 AM    Ag Mechanics projects start moving in
             market lamb lots will be added until the number of lambs sold totals 7.
                                                                     6:00 AM    Sheep & Goats start moving into barn
         •   The number of broilers and meat rabbits that qualify for the premium      7:00 AM   Deadline for all Ag Mechanics Projects to be in place
             sale will be 4 lots for each with an additional 4 lots to be split based on
                                                                     8:00 AM    Deadline for all market lamb & goats to be in place
             percentages. We will sell the 4 broiler and 4 meat pen. The remaining 4
             lots will be determined by using the percentage of individuals showing         Weigh sheep then goats immediately after sheep.
             in each show.                                                9:00 AM   Ag Mech. Judging
                                                                       10:00 AM   Sheep and goat judging - Judging will be in the following
         d)   There will be a maximum of 5 Ag Mechanics projects that qualify for   order: market lambs, selection of premium sale market
             the premium sale.                                                  lambs, lamb showmanship, meat goats, grand and reserve,
                                                                                Breeding Goats, selection of premium sale meat goats, goat
                          MEAT GOAT DIVISION:                                   showmanship.
          7.   Meat goats will be weighed immediately after the completion of the lamb         *The goat show will be 15 minutes after the conclusion
             weigh in on Saturday of the show.                                  of the market lamb division.

                          RABBIT MEAT PENS DIVISION:
                                                                        3:45 PM   Youth fair auction entries must be in place
          8.  Weight limit not over 5 pounds 5 ounces each rabbit with a weight
             tolerance of 3 ounces                                      4:00 PM   Youth fair auction & Premium livestock auction

                                                                                                   2022 CCJLS Rules
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