Page 7 - 2022 CCJLS Rules_Neat
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10. Swine that do not make the weight limits will be taken home immediately following the conclusion of weigh in.
11. No bedding will be provided for swine entries. Wood shaving will be allowed in the swine pens if supplied by exhibitor
and is completely removed prior to the conclusion of the show on Saturday. No straw will be allowed in swine pens.
Violators will be subject to penalty.
12. Exhibitors have the option of selling on the floor or taking the entry home if the animal weights 225 – 275 pounds.
This decision must be made at the time of weigh-in. All market swine entries that weight less than 225 pounds or
more than 275 pounds must take their animal home and not eligible to sale on the floor.
13. Any hair products that can be washed out are permitted for Market hogs.
1. Market steers may be any breed, purebred, or crossbred.
2. Exhibitor must have ownership by June 30, prior to the show.
3. Minimum weight on steer is 950 pounds.
4. No maximum weight limit on steer.
5. Steer must have a Texas steer validation tag in the ear to be eligible for the County Show.
6. Market steers must be in place by 1:00 PM on Thursday of the show.
7. Market steers will be weighed at 1:00 PM on Thursday of the show.
8. Steer entries will be divided into classes by weight. Classes will be set at the show.
9. Any animal that does not fit in the weight range can reweigh one time within 30 minutes of the conclusion of weighing
10. Steers that do not make the weight limits will be taken home immediately following the conclusion of weigh in.
11. Exhibitors have the option of selling on the floor or taking the entry home. This decision must be made at the time of
12. The maximum pay weight for floor steers will be 1350 pounds.
13. This is a blow and go show. All steers will be shown with hair in a natural state without the use of glues, paint,
adhesive, etc. Hair conditioning products that require no wash out (Show Sheen, Revive, Zoom Bloom, etc.…) will be
14. Market steers must be out of the barn four hours after the conclusion of the steer show. All steers qualifying for
the premium sale, must return to the show ground Saturday before the premium livestock auction.
1. Each exhibitor, through the Junior Livestock Association, must have cooperatively purchased at least 15 broilers
approximately 8 weeks prior to the show to be eligible for exhibition. All birds will be wing banded.
2. A group of three commercial broilers will constitute an entry.
3. Broilers must be in place by 10:00 AM on Friday of the show.
1. Meat pen must be in possession of exhibitor 30 days prior to date of show.
2. Meat pens will consist of three (3) rabbits - all the same breed and variety. Entry will be eliminated if more than one
variety or breeds in the same pen.
3. The exhibitor must designate the three rabbits that comprise the pen before weighting. After designation,
substitutions will not be allowed.
4. Meat pen rabbits must have a Clay County validation tattoo in the ear to be eligible for the County Show.
5. Meat pen rabbits must be in place by 8:00 AM on Friday of the show.
6. Meat pen rabbits will be weighed at 8:00 AM on Friday of the show.
2022 CCJLS Rules
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