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Inside This Issue...
• Bypass the Gatekeepers
• Sales & Marketing Talk
• Effective Follow-Up Tactics
• Sales Results through June 2017
• Million Dollar Club Achievements
Volume 79, Number 5 July 2017
8 Tips to Bypass the Gatekeepers Blocking Your Emails
I firmly believe that email is an sales person. That’s not really relevant. the contact’s LinkedIn profile. This
effective tool for prospecting and lead What is relevant are the things you may be a shared school, association
generation. It’s personal, targeted, can write to get around them. More or interest. For example, I’m an avid
accessible and measurable. It can also specifically, what issues can you bring skier, and its front and center on
yield a steady flow of very high quality up that the gatekeeper can’t handle my LinkedIn and Twitter profiles. I
leads. on his or her own? What questions or frequently connect with people who
points can you bring up that will force begin their emails to me by discussing
That said, it’s getting harder and harder them to share the email with your ski areas, towns or favorite runs.
to break through to the people you target contact?
actually need to reach. We know 3. Mention something that’s
that whether you’re prospecting or personal to the target contact.
using email marketing campaigns, Maybe you read a blog post, saw
it can take at least nine attempts a post on social media or read
to reach a cold contact via email an interview about the contact.
— and that’s assuming you don’t The higher up they are in their
get trapped in a spam filter or organization, the greater the
undermined by the “glimpse chance you’ll learn something
factor.” you can reference in your
emails to make them feel more
And then there’s the gatekeeper. personal.
Truth is, many emails are never read 4. Ask a favor. People inherently
by decision makers. Even in small and Craft your emails with gatekeepers in like to help, so using the word “favor”
midsize companies, decision makers mind. will get their attention. This could be
delegate some part of their email as simple as a referral to an industry
management to a member of their Here are eight tips that you can association or group.
staff. This is particularly true if they combine to craft emails that get past
have more than one email address. gatekeepers and into the hands of 5. Ask the gatekeeper for his/
decision makers. her help. Mention why you’d like
Who are these gatekeepers and what to talk with the contact, and ask if
do they care about? 1. Mention a referral by name. If he/she can help you set the first
you’re reaching out through a referral, appointment. Use your prospecting
This “gatekeeper” is the person your use the person’s name, but don’t value proposition and ask for his/her
prospecting and lead generation include details that make it easy for help guiding you to the right person
emails must break past. the gatekeeper to screen the email. If to talk to within the company.
the referral has a nickname they use
Who are they? What do they care (“Mike” vs. “Michael”), be sure to use it. 6. Request an interview. Perhaps
about? They might be a marketing you’re writing an article about a
coordinator, operations manager or a 2. Reference something specific in specific business issue or situation
Bypass the Gatekeepers,
Continued on page 3