Page 6 - Mirror_July2017
P. 6

Load the Buses

                                                                                       Company anniversaries are shown in 5-year increments,
                                                                                                   up to 40 years.
         With the start of the new school year just around the corner, the Vernon Activity   After 40 years, anniversaries are shown each additional year.
         Committee hosted their annual School
         Supplies Drive for the Salvation Army
         and local schools, from July 21st to July                                             August

         The "buses" were "parked" by
         the kitchen and  Vernon Graphics
         Productions areas to collect school
         supplies and non-perishable after
         school snacks and meal items.

                                                                                                Donn Haugen
                                                                                                   10 years


                                                                                               Scott Swanson
                                                                                               Vernon Graphics
                                                                                                   15 years

        Tracy Bastin, IN, has     Sean Ware, TN, is the       Luke Sigle,  TN,  is the
        reached her $200,000      542nd member of the         114th member of the
        Club level. She joined    One Million Dollar Club.    Four  Million  Dollar
        The Vernon Company        He joined The Vernon        Club. He joined The
        in 2017.                  Company in 2015.            Vernon Company in
                                                                                                 Jim Schou
                                                                                                 New Hampshire
                                                                                                   25 years

          Jill  Langis, WA, is the   Mike  Wells,  HI,  is  the   Cameron Vernon, CA,
          115th member of the     52nd member of the          is the 3rd member of               Betty Curtis
          Four  Million  Dollar   Six Million Dollar Club.    the Nineteen Million                 Georgia
          Club. She joined The    He joined The Vernon        Dollar Club. He joined               40 years
          Vernon Company in       Company in 2011.            The Vernon Company
          2002.                                               in 1985.

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