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sales &


                                                                   "I'm too Busy..."

        In the promotional  products industry,
        it's important to be knowledgeable of  An excerpt from the Wendy Weiss e-newsletter:
        upcoming events. Whether any of these
        affect a current or prospective client, it  Wendy, whenever I get a prospect on the line and I think they are about to
        helps to stay on top of holidays, events  make an appointment – they tell how busy they are and that they cannot
        and observances.                      possibly schedule anything now. They say, “Call me next week” or “Call me
                                              in two weeks” or “Call me next month….”  I can never get them to commit to
                                              scheduling the appointment. Then, of course, I’m never able to reach them
                     January                  ever again – so no appointment. What should I do?

        01: New Year's Day                    I  bet  you’re  reading  the  question  above  and  nodding  your  head  and
        08: National Clean off Your Desk Day  thinking, “Yes…that happens to me too.”
        09: Law Enforcement Appreciation Day
        14: Organize Your Home Day            It used to happen to me as well – until I discovered what prospects are
        18: Get to Know Your Customers Day    really thinking and what they are really saying when they say they are, “too
        19: National Popcorn Day              busy.”
        26: Fun at Work Day
        28: Rubber Duckie Day                 First, they are actually busy.  Today, everyone is busy.  When you ask a
        29: National Puzzle Day               prospect for an appointment, prospects often think that you are asking
                                              to engage with them right then and there. They may think that you want
                                              them to drop everything they are doing in that moment so that they can
        Weeklong Observances:                 have a sales conversation with you.
        01-08: New Year's Resolutions Week
                                              In addition, depending on the language that you use, your prospect might
                                              think you want them to make a buying decision right then and there as
        Monthlong Observances:                well. You’ve got to be very careful with this!
        Financial Wellness Month
        Celebration of Life Month             Here’s the solution: Start thinking of, “I’m too busy,” as a “yes” – you simply
                                              have to find the right time. Use the following script:

                                              “I understand that you’re very busy. I only need 10 minutes of your time (or
                                              however much time you do need) whenever is good for you.”

                                              Then ask for the appointment again. Make sure to offer different choices
                                              from what you may have initially offered as your prospect has already
                                              indicated those times would not work.

                                                                                              Source: Does this happen to you?
                                                                                              Wendy Weiss. Wendy Weiss  e-newsletter.
                                                                                              December 5, 2017.

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