Page 6 - November&December_2017
P. 6

Company anniversaries are shown in 5-year increments, up to 40 years.
                                          After 40 years, anniversaries are shown each additional year.
                                December                                             January

           Bricklie Bertagnolli     Craig Perry        Dick Johnson         Brian Stottlemyer   Charlie Bornhoft
                 Utah                Alabama               Iowa                  Texas             Minnesota
                10 years             15 years            50 years                5 years            15 years


       Ted Parrish III, WA, is   Larry Vernon, TN, is   Julie Spanier, MN, is   Sandy  Gillman, FL, is   Ernesto  Serralles, PR,
       the 546th member of    the 547th member of    the 179th member of     the 116th member of    is the 117th member of
       the One Million Dollar   the One Million Dollar   the Three Million Dollar   the Four Million Dollar   the Four Million Dollar
       Club. He joined The    Club. He joined The    Club. She joined The    Club. She joined The   Club. He joined The
       Vernon Company in      Vernon Company in      Vernon Company in       Vernon Company in      Vernon Company in
       2013.                  2014.                  2011.                   2010.                  1998.

        Mark Panek, SD, is    Jeff Cannon, CA, is the   Mike Wells, HI, is the   Jon Smith, OH, is the   Monica Chamberlain,
        the 118th member of   74th member of the      46th member of the     33rd  member of the    AZ,   with   Vernon
        the Four Million Dollar   Five Million Dollar Club.   Seven Million Dollar   Eight Million Dollar   Graphics is the 12th
        Club. He joined The   He joined The Vernon    Club. He joined The    Club. He joined The    member of the Twelve
        Vernon Company in     Company in 2008.        Vernon Company in      Vernon Company in      Million Dollar Club.
        1993.                                         2011.                  2001.                  She joined The Vernon
                                                                                                    Company in 2001.
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