Page 8 - November&December_2017
P. 8
November/December 2017
Company anniversaries are shown after one year of service and then in five-year increments, up to 25 years.
After 25 years, anniversaries are shown each additional year. Campaign Results
December January The results are in from
Vernon's United Way
Campaign that took
place in October.
Together with employee
pledges, company
match and "jeans"
contributions, the
Vernon Company raised
Dustin Wicks Heather Cupples Tony Oberman Pam McCormick $24,217 for the United
Sales Graphics Graphics Payroll Way, touching the lives
1 year 5 years 10 years 15 years of those in need in
Jasper County.
December/January Birthdays
12/1 Stacey Briles 12/13 Melissa Hobbs
LaVona Thorsen, 97, of Newton,
12/17 Jo Dannels 12/19 Steve Lawson IA passed away on Saturday,
December 2, 2017. LaVona was
12/20 Kristy Figland 12/22 Nick Gannaway employed by the Vernon Company
for 17 years. A memorial service
12/28 Aleyna Hinderberger 1/6 Kristine Perkins will be held next spring.
1/6 Heather Van Dusseldorp 1/7 Rhonda Knopf
1/9 Kathy Illingworth 1/10 Mary Brown
1/20 Rebecca Eggermont 1/21 Mark Berkenbosch
1/21 David Woodruff 1/22 Shannon Bergman
1/24 Eloise Froah 1/27 Ryan Bayles
1/28 Sharon Mabie 1/30 Rose Talley Published by The Vernon Company.
Send comments or ideas to Kristie Chipera ext 8294
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