Page 7 - November&December_2017
P. 7
November/December 2017
M ilestones
Kathy and Jeff Cannon (account Garry and Robin Stoner (sales Garry and Robin Stoner (sales
executive) welcomed their first support) welcomed grandchild support) welcomed grandchild
grandchild, Calvin Thomas Rocha, into Wrenley Leon Rowe on October 14th De'lilah Deja Ann Maddison on
the world on October 7th, weighing 5 at 19" long and weighing 6 lbs 6.1 oz. November 15th at 21" long and
lbs 5 oz. weighing 6 lbs 15 oz.
The above submissions were sent in after the last issue's request for Milestone events.
If you have any Milestones that you would like shared in the Vernon Mirror/VIP, please email Kristie Chipera,
Meals from the Heartland
That 70's Holiday The Vernon Company committed to packaging 20,000 meals for
Meals from the Heartland on Tuesday, December 12th and had a
final total of 67 volunteers for the event. Meals from the Heartland
The Vernon Company's groovy is a nonprofit organization made up of volunteers from businesses,
holiday party was held on schools, churches, community organizations and beyond who
Thursday, December 7th in the package meals for delivery to malnourished people in Iowa, across
main conference room where the United States and around the world.
home office employees were
treated to a holiday lunch and
gift drawing.