Page 18 - Pathways Book 2020
P. 18

At Level 3, Achievement Standards and Levels 3-7 qualifications have been mapped to
                   the Vocational Pathways.

                    NCEA Level 2 –Vocational Pathway Award  Vocational Pathway Award – Standards
                        •   NCEA Level 2                           •   Recommended Standards for a Sector
                               - 60 credits at Level 2 or above and;      - Achievement and Unit Standards
                               - 20 credits at any other level.           - Within the normal school scope of
                        •   Sector Vocational Pathway                     subjects and outside it
                                - 60 credits at Level 2 or above –   •   Sector Related Standards for a Sector
                                Recommended Standards (for that           - Achievement Standards and Unit
                                pathway)                                  Standards
                                - 20 credits at Level 2 or above –        - Within the normal school scope of
                                sector related standards (for that        subjects and outside it

                   At Sacred Heart Girls’ College, it is possible for Level 2 students to gain one or more
                   Vocational Pathway Awards by gaining 60 credits from the Recommended Standards
                   and the 20 credits from the Sector Required Standards within their timetabled subjects.

                   Outside timetabled subjects students can supplement their credits from STAR, Gateway
                   and Trades Academy vocational training programmes.

                   Vocational Profile
                   The Vocational Profile is a visual graph which will show learner achievement against the
                   five Vocational Pathways. Learners will be able to identify their progress and identify
                   where they need to raise their level of achievement when planning their courses for the
                   following year and check that their course selections provide the pathways they need to
                   achieve their goals.
                   Learners are able to access their Vocational Profile from the New Zealand Qualifications
                   Authority (NZQA) website.

                   Vocational Pathways Award
                   To achieve the Vocational Pathways Award, the learner must:
                   Meet the NCEA literacy and numeracy requirements at Level 1 or above; and achieve 60
                   Level 2 credits from the Recommended Assessment Standards for a Vocational
                   Pathways sector e.g. Primary Industries, including 20 Level 2 credits from Sector-Related
                   Standards for that sector e.g. Primary Industries.
                   Both the 60 Recommended Assessment Standards and the 20 Sector-Related Standards
                   must come from the same Vocational Pathway.
                   Learners can achieve more than one Vocational Pathways Award if they complete more
                   than one Vocational Pathway.
                   Learners are able to request their Vocational Pathways Award from NZQA. This will
                   enable learners, such as those currently working towards achieving a Vocational
                   Pathway in Youth Guarantee programmes, the option to be awarded their vocational
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