Page 15 - Pathways Book 2020
P. 15
NZ’s Premier Academic Award
Students in a secondary school have the opportunity to win a Scholarship in individual
Scholarship is a monetary award to recognize top students. It does not attract credits
nor contribute towards a qualification but the fact that a student has gained a
Scholarship will appear on their Record of Achievement.
Scholarship will enable students to be assessed against challenging standards, and will
be demanding for the ablest students in each subject. Scholarship students will be
expected to demonstrate high-level critical thinking, abstraction and generalisation, and
to integrate, synthesise and apply knowledge, skills, understanding and ideas to complex
The best students in each of the 27 Scholarship subjects will be awarded Scholarships.
The number of awards in each subject will be around 2-3 percent of those students
studying the subject at NCEA Level 3.
Scholarship can be sat as a single subject Scholarship Standard or in several subjects.
Scholarship is examined by an external examination or an external submission of
student work.
There is one single Scholarship Standard per subject in most traditional school subjects.
It is awarded as follows:
• Scholarship Not Attained
• Scholarship
• Scholarship with Outstanding Performance
Scholarship candidates need to be enrolled full-time in a secondary school or
wharekura. In order to receive a monetary award, a student must be
• Either a New Zealand citizen or
• A permanent resident, and
• Enrolled in tertiary study in New Zealand in the years they receive monetary
awards, ($500 per scholarship), $2,000 for scholarship in 3 subjects for 3 years,
$2,000 top subject scholar for 3 years, $10,000 for scholarship at Outstanding
Performance in 3 subjects.