Page 11 - Pathways Book 2020
P. 11
National Qualifications
Senior students at Sacred Heart Girls’ College are working to gain credits from
Achievement or Unit Standards toward the National Certificate of Educational
Achievement (NCEA) at Levels 1, 2 or 3. The NCEA is a standards-based qualification
comprised of a mixture of both internally and externally assessed Achievement or Unit
Standards giving students credits on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF).
Copies of all the Achievement Standards and Unit Standards are available on the NZQA
The details of the requirements for each Achievement/Unit Standard are issued to
students in Course Outlines by their subject teachers in February each year.
Internally assessed standards are assessed throughout the year. Most external
assessments are examined at the end of the year from mid-November to early
December. Some subjects have portfolio or practical work to submit. Students can gain
Achieved, Achieved with Merit or Achieved with Excellence, with the latter being very
NCEA is all about excellence, be it students striving for and gaining Excellence grades or
reaching their personal level of excellence with Achieved grades.
NCEA is New Zealand’s national school leaver qualification and as such is recognized by
the tertiary sector and employers nationally and internationally.
Record of Achievement
Credits for all registered standards will be recorded on a Record of Achievement.
Students must register (once only) on the framework. It will list the student’s successful
completion of all achievement and unit standards credits, national certificates and other
NZQF qualifications. It will be issued by the NZQA (who keep a national database) and
will enable education and
training acquired over a number of years from a variety of sources to be recorded in a
single document.
Students will be certificated when they successfully complete the units required which
make up a specific registered qualification e.g. NCEA Level 1, National Certificate in
Sport Level 2, etc.