Page 6 - Pathways Book 2020
P. 6
New Zealand Qualifications Framework
The NZQF covers all the nationally registered qualifications (National Certificates) and all
the nationally registered standards (Achievement Standards for NCEA and Unit
Standards for other National Certificates) from which those qualifications are derived.
The qualification framework has eight levels. Level 1 is entry-level education and
training, broadly equivalent to Year 11 studies. Level 8 offers the most advanced
learning, (post graduate degrees and diplomas). Unit Standards and Achievement
Standards earned can be credited to all National Certificates on the National
Qualifications Framework.
Sacred Heart Girls’ College has been accredited by the NZQA as a provider of all the
conventional subjects registered on the Qualifications Framework, as well as a range of
others which, we believe, will meet the requirements of pupils at the college.
These subjects may be studied at school in normal classes or studied off-site as either
school organized activities or activities organized by off-site providers. There is a great
deal of flexibility allowed in the system but each student will have to carefully consider
where her best options lie. For example, it would not be wise to spend too much time
off-site if she is going to be a serious candidate for national examinations.