Page 3 - Pathways Book 2020
P. 3


                   This handbook outlines how Sacred Heart Girls’ College puts into practice the policies
                   set out in the New Zealand Curriculum and gives an outline of curriculum delivery and
                   content at the College. It is an ever-evolving document aimed at meeting the needs of
                   today’s students. It is important that the young women of today carefully plan their
                   pathway through school, in consultation with their parents, to ensure that all avenues
                   are explored and that each student has an opportunity to achieve success and is well
                   prepared to make their contribution to the world.

                   We believe that students at Sacred Heart Girls’ College should experience a curriculum
                   that engages and challenges them, is forward-looking and inclusive, and affirms New
                   Zealand’s unique identity. The curriculum is designed to support and empower all
                   students to learn and achieve personal excellence.

                   This is reflected in the College motto Io Mahi Katoa Mahia (Whatever you do, do to the
                   best of your ability). Our College provides excellence in education while embracing
                   gospel values.

                   To do this the College will:
                       •  Help each student set goals and achieve her personal best in performance and
                          attitude by providing conditions for learning which value the individual, give
                          encouragement, guidance and confidence, and emphasise caring and supportive
                          relationships between staff and students.
                       •  Provide a broad and balanced curriculum which recognises national
                          requirements, the Special Character of the College, and the interests, abilities
                          and spiritual needs of the students.
                       •  Develop students’ spiritual, academic, cultural, physical, aesthetic, self-
                          management and relationship skills and attitudes in areas relevant to learning
                          for the present and future, within and beyond school.
                       •  Monitor and report on student progress in ways that recognise achievement and
                          effort relevant to ability, give helpful, dependable and timely information, and
                          challenge students to individually self-evaluate their performance in relation to
                          their personal goals.

                   This booklet is designed to provide information about courses that currently make up
                   the Sacred Heart Girls’ College curriculum from Year 10 to Year 13.

                   In choosing subject options, students are advised to consult with their GEMS teacher,
                   Careers Advisor,  Manaaki  Teacher, Dean,  Leaders of Learning  or individual  subject
                   teachers; or Guidance Counsellor.
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