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P. 15

For another (and slightly shorter) perspective, watch Nora Kramer Designs’ (2016)
        How to Write a Blog Post for Beginners (And Even Experienced Bloggers).

        Topic 3: Community Engagement

        Your Community Engagement  contributions  each week will  contribute  to your
        grade for Assignment 1: Community Engagement. You have explored the history
        of educational technology, and the common modes of educational delivery using
        technology. You have created your own portfolio site for sharing your thoughts, ex-
        periences, expertise, and resources as you develop them throughout this course.
        Now it’s time to connect with each other, and start collaborating.
        Many online courses use discussion boards integrated within a learning manage-
        ment system to host text-based communications between classmates, and with
        the instructor. Some courses are more frequently using social media platforms,
        such as Facebook or Twitter, for quicker, less formal course-related conversations
        and collaborations. One of the more recent tools being leveraged
        by a growing number of educators is Flipgrid.

        Activity 2: Discussion Questions
        Questions posted in the course discussion forum relate to each week’s topics.
        Respond to these questions, then read (and reply to) some of the responses post-
        ed by your classmates. Feel free to use the course forum to post any thoughts or
        questions you may have related to this week’s readings and activities.
        Please review the rubric for Assignment 1: Community Engagement so that you
        are familiar with the expectations for contributions throughout the course.

        Activity 3: Record a Personal Introduction Video in Flipgrid
        Let’s see how we can use Flipgrid to connect with each other, and to establish a

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