Page 10 - TeL
P. 10

Week 1


             Welcome  to the  world  of  educational technology  (often abbreviated
             as just EdTech). The aim of this course is to “get your feet wet” with
             both established and emerging technologies that are used to enhance
             teaching and learning—whether it be in blended or distributed learning
             scenarios. We’ll be exploring the history of educational technology, and
             how technology can be used to find, create, and share information and
             resources. We’ll be discussing effective technology integration strate-
             gies, and issues related to the ethics and pragmatics of technology use.
             And we’ll be exploring how to plan, create, and evaluate technology-en-
             hanced learning experiences.
             In this course, we’re going to learn by getting “hands-on.” Your central
             project for this course will be to plan, design, and create a technolo-
             gy-enhanced learning experience using an online platform. Most of the
             course assignments actually constitute sequential steps in the process
             of creating this resource. We’ll also be engaging with ourselves, and
             with larger audiences of educators interested in the use of educational
             technology, by creating and sharing our own course portfolios.
             Your task this week is to become familiar with the course objectives, re-
             sources, and activities, and to get yourself set up and running for a busy
             but exciting term. We’ll also be spending some time this week exploring
             and discussing a brief history of educational technology, from oral com-
             munication (yes—language is a technology) up to modern distributed
             learning platforms.


             Week 1 is divided into three topics:
             Topic 1: Technology Integration
             The History of Online Learning
             Topic 2: Technology Exploration
             Topic 3: Community Engagement
             Learning Outcomes
             When you have completed this week’s activities, you should be able to:

             Discuss the history of educational technology.

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