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Student Academic Integrity Policy. TRU Library also provides the valuable Plagia-
        rism: What It Is and How to Avoid It resource.

        Be sure to cite the sources you use in assessments and discussions. Check with
        your Open Learning Faculty Member to see which style to use. TRU Library’s Ci-
        tation Style Guides is an excellent resource for writing academic citations.

        Suggested Schedule
        Everyone in your cohort group will be working through the course material using
        the same timeline. To pace your study and keep on track, proceed through the
        material step-by-step and week-by-week.

        You are required to complete this course material in 13 weeks. Thus, to help you
        complete and submit your activities and assignments on time, you can print the
        following suggested timetable and use it for reference. In an online course, it is
        extremely important to stay current with the class discussions and your suggested

        Help Available
        The following sections describe the support that is available to you throughout
        this course.

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