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Course Materials
        This section describes the course materials that you will need for EDDL 5101:
        Educational Technology for Learning .

        Required Textbooks
        All required resources are available free of charge online.

        Required Hardware, Software, Computer Skills, and Other Resources
        Technical Basics lists the hardware, software, and computer skills requirements
        for your course.
        The other resource that you need for this course is the following:
        A computer with Internet access.

        Course Topics
        EDDL 5101: Educational Technology for Learning  includes the following units:

        Unit 1: Getting Started—Introduction to Educational Technology
        Unit 2: Digital Literacy—Locating Digital Resources
        Unit 3: Digital Literacy—Critically Evaluating Educational Technology Resources
        Unit 4: Digital Literacy—Professional Development and Personal Learning Net-
        Unit 5: Exploring Digital Solutions—Asynchronous Teaching and Learning Tools
        Unit 6: Exploring Digital Solutions—Synchronous Teaching and Learning Tools
        Unit 7: Models and Barriers to Adoptions and Integration
        Unit 8: Legal and Ethical Issues
        Unit 9: Engaging Learners—Theories and Models of Engagement
        Unit 10: Instructional Design—Developing Technology Integration Plans and Sto-
        Unit 11: Developing Instructional Activities
        Unit 12: Exploring Future Trends and Course Wrap-Up

        Learning Activities

        In this course, you will study independently and in groups with other learners.
        Your Open Learning Faculty Member will support your learning throughout the
        course. Working through course activities and readings will help you to meet the
        learning outcomes and successfully complete your assessments.

        To successfully complete this course, you must achieve a passing grade of 70%
        (B-) or higher in the course overall.

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