Page 37 - EW July 2021 final
P. 37

Young Achievers

                                                          zone Covid centre.   Surana, and homemaker Namrata,
                                                          “As qualified doctors,   Anjali is delighted that Fullstopp
                                                          we have a responsi-  campaigns to eliminate the shame
                                                          bility towards all our   and stigma associated with men-
                                                          patients. But since   struation have been acknowledged
                                                          the outbreak of the   by PSCA.
                                                          pandemic and sub-      “Fullstopp is a non-profit led
                                                          sequent shutdown of   by 100 youth volunteers working
                                                          educational institu-  to improve awareness, access, and
                                                          tions countrywide,   advocacy efforts in the menstrual
                                                          medical students     health and hygiene space. We are
                                                          have missed over a   busting myths, allowing under-
                                                          year of internship.   privileged women to make the switch
                                                          Instead we have      from rags to eco-friendly sanitary
                                                          been allowed to treat   products through distribution drives,
                                                          critical Covid patients   and online and offline campaigns
                  DR. KRATI JAIN              under supervision of experienced   to foster healthy attitudes towards
                                              medical officers,” says this commit-
                                                                               menstrual periods. Thus far, we have
                                              ted medico.                      impacted 6,000-plus women, and
                   r. Krati Jain (25) has the    Krati has set her mind on master-  distributed over 1 million women
                   unique distinction of becom-  ing the skills of radiodiagnosis and   friendly products to achieve a period
             Ding the first woman medical     studying its impact on medical prac-  positive world,” she says.
             graduate of the Mahatma Gandhi   tice. “I believe many more lives can   Tirelessly helping and enabling
             Memorial (MGM) Medical College,   be saved every year through accurate   “people in need anywhere and every-
             Indore (estb.1878) to win 13 gold   diagnosis and treatment. That is my   where”, this young activist was heav-
             medals for outstanding perfor-   life’s ambition,” says this dedicated   ily engaged with a relief campaign to
             mance in the MBBS final exam. The   young medico with her heart in the   provide rations to 1,000 households
             medals and awards were conferred   right place.                   affected by Cyclone Amphan, which
             on her in mid-February this year at         Aditi Maheshwari (Bhopal)  swept eastern India in May 2020,
             an in-person special convocation of                               and the ‘Unite for Erudite’ cam-
             the Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya,                                  paign to provide 640 hours of online
             Indore, the parent affiliating univer-                            learning for children during the
             sity of MGM.                          ANJALI SURANA               pandemic.
                                                                                 Currently focused on her class XII
                The elder of two children of Anil
             the encomiums. “Even though the  A                                online A level exams, Anjali is clear
                                                    class XII student of Kolkata’s
             Jain, a businessman, and home-
                                                                               about her future career path. “My
                                                    top-ranked Cambridge Inter-
             maker Seema, Krati is elated with
                                                                               goal is to develop business manage-
                                                    national (UK) and Interna-
             pandemic forced me to wait longer   tional Baccalaureate (Geneva)-affil-  ment skills and use them in causes of
             for the convocation ceremony, it   iated Calcutta International School,   social justice,” says this indefatigable
             was worth the wait. I attribute this   Anjali Surana (18) is  national   activist who is headed to Stan-
             achievement to sustained study   winner of the 11th Pramerica Spirit   ford University, USA to pursue an
             discipline encouraged by parental   of Community Awards (PSCA) 2021.   undergrad degree in economics and
             and college support,” she says.  This teen social activist was pre-  communication studies this fall.
                Inspired by the late Dr. Babita   sented a gold medallion, certificate   Paromita Sengupta (Bengaluru)
             Singh, her class IX biology teacher   of excellence and a cash prize of
             at St. Mary’s Convent School,    Rs.350,000 for promot-
             Ujjain, Krati realised early that   ing Fullstopp, a non-profit
             medicine was her preferred career   NGO whose prime objective
             path. “I started preparing for   is to educate society about
             NEET-UG in class XI. Among 7     the universality of women’s
             lakh students who wrote the exam,   menstruation cycles and to
             I was ranked #162 nationally and   “banish persistent myths
             #7 in Madhya Pradesh,” recalls   and superstitions associated
             this academic achiever, currently   with this perfectly natural
             enrolled in a radiology postgradu-  phenomenon experienced
             ate study programme at the city’s   by half of humankind”.
             Sri Aurobindo Institute of Medical   Last year, a UK charity
             Sciences (SAIMS).                acknowledged Fullstopp’s
                Following a state government   initiatives and awarded
             diktat directing deployment of final   Anjali the prestigious Diana
             year medical undergrads, nurses   Award 2020.
             and postgrads on Covid duty, Krati   The elder of two children
             is currently serving at SAIMS’ red   of businessman Sidharth

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