Page 42 - EW July 2021 final
P. 42

Cover Story

             expenditure (Centre plus states) for          Total duration of school closures due to
             public education has never exceeded
             4 percent of GDP and has averaged                  Covid-19 pandemic (weeks)
             3.5 percent against the global average
             of 5 percent and 7-10 percent spent in
             developed OECD countries.
                Thus almost 500,000 private
             schools have mushroomed across the                            FRANCE  12
             country to educate the progeny of the                         RUSSIA    13
             dominant middle class which shuns
             dysfunctional government schools                              SPAIN       15
             defined by crumbling buildings, lack
             of toilets, chronic teacher absentee-                         CHINA         27
             ism, English language aversion and                           GERMANY         34
             abysmal learning outcomes, like the
             plague. And instead of making efforts                          ITALY           37
             to raise teaching-learning standards in                                          47
             the country’s 1.2 million government                         PAKISTAN
             schools to private schools standards,                       BANGLADESH            50
             the prime objective of education offi-
             cials in Delhi and state capitals seems                       BRAZIL                53
             to be to pull private schools — many                           USA                    56
             of them globally-benchmarked and
             respected — down to government                                 INDIA                    56
             schools level. Dozens of laws have
             been passed to regulate the fees, ad-                        MYANMAR                     57
             mission processes, syllabuses, cur-                        Source: UNESCO (2021)
             riculums and administration of pri-
             vate schools. Ditto in private colleges,
             universities and institutes which host   ing graduates by the thousands are   Minister: Indian Education Needs
             70 percent of students in higher edu-  obliged to run full-fledged colleges to   Pandemic Package (EW, October
             cation.                          provide additional education to make   2020) advancing a compelling case
             T        of  underfunding  public   of developing human capital, official   — directly couriered to the PMO and
                                                                               for private schools — especially BPS
                                              them workplace ready.
                       HE OUTCOME OF decades
                                                Yet despite the critical importance
                                                                               the Union education minister.
                      education  and  unwar-
                                                                                 Unsurprisingly, the Delhi-based
                      ranted government inter-  initiatives to measure and repair the   NISA (National Independent Schools
                                              additional damage caused to the al-
             ference with private schools has been   ready frail Indian education system by   Alliance) which has a membership
             disastrous. As has been painstakingly   the Coronavirus, have been desultory   of 55,000 BPS countrywide, believes
             recorded year after year by the An-  and half-hearted. On the contrary, the   that education minister Dr. Ramesh
             nual Status of Education Report of   neta-babu brotherhood in the Union   Pokhriyal and ministry officials are
             the globally respected Mumbai/Delhi-  education ministry at the Centre and     deliberately blocking all attempts to
             based Pratham Education Foundation   the states have taken advantage of the   award MSME status to BPS to force
             (estb.1994), over 50 percent of class   Covid disruption to attempt to drive   many of them into bankruptcy so
             VII students in rural primaries can’t   private schools out of business.   their students will have no option but
             read and comprehend class III texts   Desperate appeals of BPS promot-  to rejoin government schools from
             or solve simple multiplication and   ers and managements for grant of   which they fled in the pre-pandemic
             division sums. Moreover, several au-  MSME (micro, small and medium   era. Shockingly, instead of supporting
             thoritative studies indicate that 80-85   enterprises) status to qualify them   and enabling the country’s 50,000 re-
             percent of arts, science and commerce   for debt moratoria and concessional   puted private schools — several hun-
             graduates and over 70 percent of en-  credit from public sector banks to tide   dred of them globally benchmarked
             gineering graduates are not ready for   them over the pandemic crisis, have   and respected — the education estab-
             employment in Indian and foreign   fallen on deaf ears in governments at   lishment seems quite willing to drive
             multinational companies. Most In-  the Centre and states. Ditto a detailed   them also into bankruptcy.
             dian IT corporates that hire engineer-  sui generis cover story titled Prime   Therefore, despite the landmark

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